office progress


Posted by Rebecca, October 6th, 2010

Monday night we managed to put our two new desks together, despite the fact that we purchased the wrong legs and had to go BACK TO IKEA AGAIN. Last night we (or rather Mike) put our 4 shelves up. Our soon to be organized space has almost all of it’s basics, besides a bookcase or two. Now for the challenging, makes-me-scratch-my-head part of making it look like ours!

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2 Responses to “office progress”

  1. candace says:

    A Mac fan, I see…

    • Rebecca says:

      Just a little… we also have a MacBook, 2 iPhones, 2 Apple TVs, probably a bunch of stuff the husband has that I’m not aware of…….and a cat named Macintosh.

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