first time for everything!


Posted by Rebecca, November 26th, 2010

Yesterday my family room was featured over at Kerry’s blog, First Time Fancy. I was dyiiiing to get on here yesterday to tell you all about it, but I was trying to be the hostess with the mostess.  Kerry holds a special place in my heart because she was quite possibly my first legit twitter follower waaay back when I started, a whole two months ago.  And now Kerry has hosted my first “guest blog”, so she has solidified her place as one of the sweetest bloggers around.  So thank you Kerry!

Cool things about Kerry… 1) she’s a design student …I’m jealous  2) she’s from Canada..I don’t know anyone from Canada! 3) she has a very cool blog with awesome features, such as dream homes and perfectly imperfect spaces, which is where I come in. No I don’t fall under the dream home feature, I fall under the perfectly imperfect feature.

Every Thursday, Kerry features a space that is not perfectly designed, but that is loved and functions as a space. When she introduced this feature, I just had to email her. So often when reading blogs and browsing photos, you assume the house is perfect.  Many people don’t realize that photos are cropped, objects pushed aside and rooms excluded just to appear “perfect”.  I loved the honesty behind Kerry’s concept and just had to show her this…

Those are my family room window treatments. I am not even embarrassed anymore.  You can read my entire post, complete with a bunch of non-cropped, full room views of my family room over at First Time Fancy!

ps- I’ll fill you in on how our first Thanksgiving went a little later 🙂

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2 Responses to “first time for everything!”

  1. Yay! Guest blogs are so fun! Going to check it out now 🙂

  2. Kerry says:

    Aw, thanks so much for this post Rebecca, super sweet! 🙂 I’m glad you had such a great Thanksgiving, and once again I was so happy for you to contribute to my perfectly imperfect series! Hope you had a great weekend!

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