What We Ate Wednesday- Black Bean Tacos


Posted by Rebecca, February 23rd, 2011

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for our fifth installment of What We Ate Wednesday for Jenn’s link party over at Peas and Crayons! So far we’ve had mushroom risotto stuffed peppers, blackened mahi-mahi, beans & macaroni and homemade pizza. We’ve made a lot of delicious meals since last week, but then we got preoccupied with painting our office stripes and ran out of food. For two days, we’ve been eating Froot Loops (<3) and frozen pizza, thinking this week’s meal wouldn’t happen. But thankfully Mike picked up some basics on his way home from work and we were able to whip up one of our go-to meals just before Wednesday was over!

This one is simple, black bean tacos.


Can of black beans (we like Goya)

Taco shells (stand n’ stuff will make your life easier!)





Sour Cream  (which I didn’t take a picture of)

Sometimes we throw in extras like rice, peppers and onions or some fish.

The great thing about this meal? The only cooking required is to heat up the beans and the shells!

I have always loved tacos, Mike not so much, but I really really love black bean tacos and so does he. The beans fill you up, add a lot of flavor and they’re good for you! I don’t miss the greasy orange stuff that always dripped out of the chop meat version you make with the seasoning packets. We originally got this idea after eating at Moe’s shortly after giving up meat and ordering the unanimous decision tacos. If you’ve never been to Moe’s, you must go. Though we have an ongoing debate around here about whether or not Chipotle is better…I will not reveal which side I am on, but I will say that I am in love with both!

I just realized I didn’t take a picture of my assembled taco, but head on over to Jenn’s for some more recipes (complete with pictures! :))

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15 Responses to “What We Ate Wednesday- Black Bean Tacos”

  1. I make refried bean tacos all the time.. but never think to just use plain delish black beans! uh duuuhhhh earth to jenn! Thanks for the wake up call dahling! <3 Obv one of the reasons you're one of my bestest bloggy bffs =) MWAH!

    so glad you ate acutal food today! fruit loops are not even fruit! haha but they are delicious! =)

    • Rebecca says:

      We had tostados last week with refried beans 🙂 There’s a Mexican restaurant by us that has the best refried beans EVER! Mike has been trying to replicate them for years!

    • Rebecca says:

      Chipotle= best guac
      Moe’s= best queso

      Maybe we should open our own joint with the best of both worlds? 🙂

      • mike says:

        Chipotle=better chips, better tacos, better ingredients.

        Chipotle > Moe’s

      • I’ve never had Chipotle (allegedly it was started by someone who split off from Qdoba, or something, right?), but recently I’ve been in love with Qdoba’s queso. Or the queso at a local chain… Mmmm queso.

      • I want in on this. If it happens, you better make it i my state so I have a shot at eating it! <3 haha!

        I think I figured out moe's queso recipe… i'm still perfecting it though!

      • Rebecca says:

        We have a Qdoba nearby but we haven’t tried it! From a Chipotle person AND they have queso?? Must go!!

        And Jenn, please post that recipe. I will give you my first born child in return.

    • +1 for Chipotle. Granted, I’ve never had this “Moe’s” you speak of, but I had Chipotle for the first time back in 2008 when I visited Phoenix. And wow. That chicken!??!?!? Wow. Everythign was just phenomenal. And then I got a job here in Michigan with a Chipotle 2 blocks from my office….and that was bad times….sometimes multiple times a week I’d be headed over there….

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Peas and Crayons and Houseblogs.net, Rebecca. Rebecca said: What we had for dinner tonight for Jenn's link party @PeasandCrayons ! http://bit.ly/gnyvIR […]

  3. I make tacos with TVP (textured vegetable protein) because my hubby is not crazy about beans. I like it, but most people think I’m crazy. I love the idea of adding fish..hrm that might be on next week’s meal plan.

  4. Mel says:

    Moe’s & I were bff’s during my pregnancy. I could not get enough of their queso!

    Chipotle does win for a better “main course” though. Yummy burrito bowls!

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