The End of a Season


Posted by Rebecca, January 23rd, 2011

Finally, this is what we did today…

We packed up the random tree in our entrway.

I called it a random tree because it’s been naked since the first week in January, we just didn’t get a chance to actually haul it to the basement (or wherever we planned to put it). We also caught up on 2 weeks worth of mail and laundry, which I wanted to take hysterical pictures of to link up to Emily’s Real Homes, Real Messes, Real Life party, but my camera died.

No we’re not the laziest people ever, we just got hit with holidays, then vacation, then sickness and suddenly, it’s January 23rd. See, I even made a calendar….

I should title this “How I spent my winter break” since grad school technically started up again this week. My first on-campus course is tomorrow night and my first assignments for my online class are due tomorrow. I thought my winter break would be a nice little time to focus on house projects and well, it was a big whaaaamp whaaaamp on the home front. Luckily summer vacation is just 13 weeks away and at least we managed to get some clean clothes ready for the week!! 🙂

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6 Responses to “The End of a Season”

  1. Bye bye mister giant tree! =) See you next year! <3

    come enter my giveaway! promise it's not goldfish crackers. =)

  2. Haha, but who’s counting? 13 weeks!

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by, Rebecca. Rebecca said: Tree is down 🙂 […]

  4. I think vacationing and being sick is a perfectly good reason for not taking your random-tree down!

    Also, I am counting to days until the end of this semester, too! …although I am being a mean wife and making Robert take summer classes. Whaamp whaamp. 🙁

  5. Jill says:

    heheeh…i like the chart!! one year, I loved my lights so much…i put them on a palm tree I had…just kept them up all year 🙂 LoL..just say you “meant” to leave it up because you like nature 🙂

    • Rebecca says:

      Actually, I forgot to mention that our outdoor decorations are still up! We’ve had mass amounts of snow so we never took them down! But they’re not on, and there’s no red, just some garland. We’ll call it winter decor, especially while it’s snow covered 🙂

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