It’s not every day that I look for art — especially when I have the patience of a 2 year old. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it; I just don’t know how to apply it to our various spaces. But there has been one site that I continually check for new works. I have no idea how I stumbled upon it, but I’ve been absolutely hooked.
No, I’m not talking about Etsy. I’m predictable, but not that predictable.
The site I’m loving (and no, I’m not being paid to write this post) introduces two new editions each week, one photo and one work on paper. And GASP! It’s incredibly affordable, too. Each edition is reprinted 200 times for 20 bucks. Granted it’s a small reprint, the idea is still incredibly inspiring. And I’ll quote the founder to prove so:
(limited editions x low prices) + the internet = art for everyone
They do offer larger reprints, but at the same general idea. For instance, they sell 20 16″x20″ reprints for $200 a pop, 500 reprints of 11″x14″ at $50.
The site? 20×200.
When I first ventured on the site, I immediately fell in love with, and then purchased, a great piece. Mainly because I’m a huge Apple fanboy. I can admit it.

What you are looking at is a photograph of the Apple 1 by Mark Richards. Even now while looking at the photograph, I’m doing that geeky laugh/giggle. So needless to say, it didn’t take much for me to drop $50 for a 11″x14″ reprint.

These works, by Craig Damrauer, have been continually calling my name as they go with a lyric that Rebecca and I are always saying, Hold your own / know your name/ and everything will be fine. I’m debating if I should just pick them up, place them in a frame and hang them in the office. Sadly, I’m not quite sure if they’ll fit with the green rug and accessories.

I’m doing that geeky giggle with this print, too. It’s a photograph of an old and dissambled flip clock by Todd McLellan. Lately I’ve been inspired by technology that we take for granted every day. I mean, look at this thing; look at all the parts that made this time-telling device possible. We go about our day, every day, just taking devices like this for granted. We don’t think about why they work or how they work. We just go about our day taking advantage of the service or information they provide.

Album 1, by Paul Madonna, is another edition I have been eye-ing. In the description, Paul writes,
“Though I’ve been drawing and writing for as long as I can remember, music is the medium that has influenced me the most. I love the thought of an album being a collection that encapsulates a period of ideas, work and life into a tidy package, allowing the artist to work through a creative goal then move on to the next.”
How true is that though? How often does music inspire and influence us? For me, far too often. I honestly don’t know where I would be without music. There are certain albums that have guided me through tough times, wonderful events, and so forth. And ten bucks says this is something that we can all relate with.

I think this might just make its way into the office; though I don’t think Rebecca knows this just yet (oh, hey wife!). The print is In the Ballpark by Tatsuro Kiuchi. If you’ve ever seen the movie City Slickers, there is a great quote in there.
“Whenever my father and I couldn’t talk about anything else, we could always talk about baseball.”
My father and I have a great relationship. Sure, growing up we had our differences — but what father-son relationship doesn’t? Communication wasn’t our strongest trait when I was young; we were both just too much alike to see eye-to-eye. And when I was 12 or 13 years old and when my father and I couldn’t talk about anything else, we could always talk about baseball computers. It was our ice breaker. It was the one thing that was “ours” and nobody else’s. And while today I can talk to my dad about anything and everything, including how I didn’t lose his precious jig-saw, baseball is becoming “our” thing; our time together.

I was going to end this post with the baseball print above, but then I saw this print. And then I saw Macky eat a stink bug. His second stink bug, that I know about, in 48 hours. Macky is just too funny and when I saw this print, I couldn’t help but laugh.
Though Macky is currently at the top of the stairs crying and screaming at the top of his tiny lungs. I guess he wants to go to bed and that was my queue to wrap this up. And suddenly, he’s not very funny anymore….