Posts Tagged ‘autumn’

Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.


Posted by Michael, October 27th, 2011

Rebecca and I always find ourselves doing some kind of hiking or outdoorsy things once fall hits.  Probably because it’s relatively cool out and we can do things while not sweating our asses off and all the great autumn colors.

While Rebecca was in college, we use to frequent a local reservation to hike and take pictures in the fall.

These pictures date back to November 3rd of 2005.  Incredible.

Heck, we even got married in the fall!

And last year, we went apple picking.  On our way home, we took back roads which took us through an incredible forest full of amazing trees, leaves and overall landscape.  We pulled over when we discovered a small lake.  It was incredibly quiet and so peaceful.  We essentially had the entire place to ourselves.

So when Rebecca asked if I wanted to help pick up some acorns for her wreath, I jumped on it as an opportunity to hike and take pictures.   We ended up at, of all places, :gasp: her job.  Her campus sits on acres and acres of land and they have trail that runs throughout the campus.  When Rebecca mentioned this to me, I wasn’t expecting much.  Afterall, it’s where she works.  But once we started on the trail and saw a stream, we were incredibly happy with our decision.

I always love taking pictures looking up through branches with random leaves here and there.  The shapes the branches make against the sky with blots of color from the leaves; always amazing.

And I can’t leave out the friend we met and who we tried to talk into coming home with us…

So is fall/autumn your favorite season?  Anything you like to do during this time?

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