Posts Tagged ‘challenge’



Posted by Rebecca, October 26th, 2011

So Sherry at Young House Love, Katie at Bower Power, Ana at Ana White and Erin from House of Earnest are hosting another Pinterest Challenge. Remember the one back from August where I made those 4 landscape paintings? Well it was fun, and I want to do it again 🙂

Buuut, I have several obstacles in the way. First, I’m not sure what to make. This is partially impacted by my second obstacle, the ever existing lack of time. I have a week to make something and the difference between August and now is a giant thorn in my side called grad school. Plus Mike and I have a jam packed weekend complete with family gatherings and vet visits, so I’m really not sure where I will even find the time to make something along with the obligatory homework, cleaning and laundry. All of this said, I CANNOT FIGHT THE URGE TO PLAY! Pinterest + a bunch of amazing bloggers (not just those hosting, but the 100s sure to link up) = a party I want to attend.

So I’ve been thinking about this all day. I have several ideas, though some are admittedly over-ambitious given the time constraints. Some involve finishing projects I’ve already started. I’m ashamed to admit how many of these exist…

First, of course is the acorn wreath I blogged about last week. It’s the ideal choice, but I honestly don’t think I can pull it off this weekend.

(from Dana Made It via Pinterest)

Then there’s a project I never blogged about but I started, it’s this amazingly creative frosted window courtesy of my buddy Ashley at 7th House on the Left. But once again, very tedious and time consuming (and carpal tunnel inducing.. I can only trace so many a night!)

(from 7th House on the Left via Pinterest)

Then there’s finishing up our power room, which I am quite sure I have tons of inspiration pinned that I can use in that room! Like maybe painting the mirror, hanging some art, decorating the shelves….

Then there are the new projects that I can’t resist wanting to do. First is this DIY roman shade that our walk-in closet needs desperately. The glory of this is that it’s based off of an inexpensive mini-blind, but I’m worried I won’t find the awkward size we need off the shelf anywhere.

(from 365 Days to Simplicity via Pinterest)

Then there is the chevron. The amazing chevron painting that I want to make so badly. I tackled a painting (or 4) last time so I’m not sure I want to do another, though paintings are so fun to me and this one is totally different. I’m also not sure of where to put it? Hmm..

(from here via Pinterest, sorry the blog isn’t in English so I can’t credit the title!)

Then there is the washer art that I’ve mentioned making before. I definitely want to make it, but the lovely Michelle from Decor and the Dog made it during the last challenge (and we have the same last initial!)

(fromDecor and the Dog)

So there’s where I am at the moment (I’m sure I’m missing a bunch of things). Even though I tend to be hard on myself and make myself finish one thing before starting another, maybe I need a fresh new project to boost my confidence? I guess you can find me over at Pinterest for the rest of the night, scouting out some new inspiration on a short time frame 🙂

Anyone else planning on participating? What are you guys making? (or what would you make in a perfect world!)

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