a macky pumpkin


Posted by Michael, October 5th, 2010

We’re approaching that time! The time where we will all try to carve the greatest pumpkins ever.  Well, I’ll just fail at it really bad — I can’t carve or sculp for the life of me.  But the wife, Rebecca, can sure carve a pumpkin.

Last year, Rebecca carved Macky’s mug into a pumpkin.  Macky has excellent features, strong contrasting colors and solid lines — perfect for carving.  After Rebecca’s co-worker helped her create the Macky stencil (maybe using these tips?), she was able to carve the perfect Macky.

But the moral of the story is to get creative with your pumpkins this year.  While the whole “pumpkin-throwing-up” thing is insanely funny, it’s been done before;  so this year is the perfect opportunity to start thinking outside the box with those pumpkins.

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7 Responses to “a macky pumpkin”

  1. Rebecca says:

    So I think the burning question is, when we carve pumpkins this year, what will be your outside the box design? You have a few weeks to come up with an idea to challenge me 😉

  2. Michael says:

    Probably a pumpkin throwing up.

  3. Steve Rock says:

    Is this how I get down on the little house that will

  4. Steve Rock says:

    Do your house this year

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