goodbye pretty friend


Posted by Rebecca, October 17th, 2010

Tonight Mike and I decided to make some stirfry for dinner to use up our veggies from the farm.  I fell asleep and woke up for dinner, stumbled over to the table and started to eat when I spotted this…

IT’S MY PURPLE PEPPER! Mike cooked the purple pepper!

So I stopped eating and grabbed the camera…

For those who wondered what it would taste like, it was actually green on the inside, so it tasted quite like a green pepper…

And yes, I just so happen to be wearing the greatest shirt OF ALL TIME!

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10 Responses to “goodbye pretty friend”

  1. WOAH!!! I didn’t know peppers could be purple! My husband would flip (in a good way!) if one of our bells ever turned anything other than red or green. fun stuff

  2. What seeds did you use? I’m super intrigued now! I

  3. boo that sent before I was finished talking!

    I think it would be pretty funny to serve it to some unsuspecting house guests for dinner and see their reactions. =)

    • Rebecca says:

      We didn’t plant these actual ones, we have a farm membership and we pick up a share of veggies every week. But the lady at the farm said she thinks they’re called chocolate peppers. If I get around to growing some of my own veggies next year I’ll have to give them a shot, just for their good looks 🙂

  4. candace says:

    Loving your fall decor – that wreath is stunning and plays up nicely with the rug and mums!! I love love love mums!

  5. candace says:

    Sorry, I’m a bad commenter and wrote on the wrong post. And now there is proof of this snafu on the internet until eternity. Oh, the humiliation. In other news, cute shirt.

  6. Britt says:

    I want that shirt! Where did you get it?

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