not just milk’s favorite…


Posted by Rebecca, October 18th, 2010

Last night Mike ran to Rite Aid to pick up some toothpaste and brought home Oreos.  Not for himself, he’s a good husband and bought them for me.  But Oreos are my weakness and I can’t eat just 1, or 3, or 5. At least they will look pretty in my jars for the 2 days they will last.

I think that in the time that passed between the first and last picture, about 4 Oreos went missing.  I blame Macky.  Until the evidence appears on my hips.

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3 Responses to “not just milk’s favorite…”

  1. THAT is just plain dangerous 🙂

  2. candace says:

    What a cute jar! I need to get one labeled “Cellulite” for all purpose items.

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