baby steps


Posted by Rebecca, October 25th, 2010

I am completely exhausted from last week and this weekend, so I just don’t have the energy to write about all the things I planned to right now.  But since I am a blogaholic, I just dragged myself out of bed to take pictures of some (very little) office progress.

We finally moved our large Ikea Expedit bookcase into the room, here’s a lil peek since it’s full of clutter right now…

Hey there’s me in my pink pajama pants! The piggy bank is from Target a few years ago and Mike laughed at me for buying it.  It got a little banged up during the move, but I had to include him. I seriously took a pile of random stuff from my desk and stuck it in one of the cubbies until we get some more storage….

We stuck the printer on top of the bookcase for now, but it’s probably not staying there.  It makes the bookcase a little top heavy and though we’re probably going to bolt that thing into the wall, the printer will probably be more functional if lower. We got the little linen storage bin from Lowe’s this weekend, but that level isn’t staying in there 🙂

I’m currently using the other linen bin to store my camera stuff on one of our shelves.  Yes that still has a tag on it.  Apparently we do that a lot until we’re sure we want to keep things.

And we started putting together our other Expedit bookcase.

Now my pink pajama pants and I are crawling back into bed! 🙂

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4 Responses to “baby steps”

  1. Can’t wait to see the finished bookcase/room!!!! I realized yesterday that the house my hubs and I are renting’s top floor is all jacked up and slanted so our bookshelf is turning into a weeble wobble that WILL fall down. such a bummer. I can’t bolt it into a rental without making a hot mess! eep

    • Rebecca says:

      Yeah with our accident prone cats, I think if we couldn’t bolt it in we wouldn’t use it. I don’t think the carpeting underneath is helping our wobbliness! It’s a shame you can’t bolt yours 🙁

  2. Sara says:

    I love the piggy bank! Don’t let Mike laugh at you.

    I so wish we had an Ikea nearby (or any stores nearby, for that matter…) but the closest Ikea is 5.5 hours. Can’t wait to see these all put up!

    • Rebecca says:

      The piggy bank is pretty and practical… for when Mike empties the change from his pockets all over the house. I used to tell him my funny piggy bank would pay for our wedding… but I still haven’t emptied it!

      I would die without an Ikea! We live within 45 minutes of 3 of them! Though I do still order a bunch of stuff online from other stores (I generally hate stores), Ikea is one you have to go to in order to see everything well.

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