not just for kids


Posted by Rebecca, November 1st, 2010

The Oreos obviously bit the dust.  Besides Oreos, I also have an unhealthy love for Stauffer’s animal crackers. When I was in college, I used to buy the giant bear shaped tub.  I have since learned to stick to the mini sized bag often available in the dollar bins at Target.

No I didn’t trace that horse, though I tried.  That right there is pure artistic talent. And yes, I did smear the writing 🙁  One of the downfalls of working with chalk.

After we made our chocolate covered pretzels, my mom (knowing my love for animal crackers) brought over chocolate covered animal crackers.  How come I didn’t think of that! I suppose it was our rookie attempt at chocolate covered pretzels and we didn’t think outside the box of what we could possibly dip in that chocolate.  Next time I’m dipping whatever is in the fridge…..

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6 Responses to “not just for kids”

  1. Do you sharpen your chalk first? When we are hanging pictures and line them all out (because I’m out of control like that) I sharpen the chalk first to make thinner, more control-able lines. I use my eyeliner sharpener (classy right? but it’s the only sharpener I have) – but I think a cheap pencil sharpener would do the trick.

    • Rebecca says:

      Hm nope never thought to sharpen the chalk itself, that is genius! I was thinking of getting one of the chalk pencil things I used in one of my art classes. Though it is quite funny to watch me try to control a brand new piece of chalk on a tiny label….

  2. ahahaha dip it all!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think there is a chalk pen of sorts on the market… that wipes off just as easy? i wish i could remember where I saw it!

  3. Amanda says:

    Just found your blog from Picket Fence Blogs.

    I love animal crackers! I like to think they’re much healthier than other options. Sometimes I dip them in vanilla or strawberry yogurt – yummy! 🙂

    • Rebecca says:

      Hi Amanda! I always seem to think animal crackers are healthier too…. Which is why I usually eat large quantities. I have a feeling they aren’t though, but I’m not going to check!!

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