thanksgiving prep


Posted by Rebecca, November 10th, 2010

On Friday we had some friends from college over (Hi Lindsey and Jon!).  They brought us these cute little birch votive holders from Crate and Barrel…

Which go so nicely with my little Crate and Barrel pumpkin-scape

My favorite part of these candles is that they’re stitched up the back, corset style…

I put the candles with the pumpkins, which are all still on my buffet since I tried setting the table on Halloween and Macky highly disapproved.

And by disapproved, I mean he rolled all over my clean table cloth then proceeded to knock coasters off the table. He also apparently tried to carry the mini pumpkins off the table, as evidenced by this bite mark I just noticed in one of the pictures…

You know the book/movie Marley & Me? I think I better start writing Macky & Me.

Okay enough with being photo detective and back to my fall table! We have some place mats and I recently picked up a brown table cloth, but I would like a runner.  Our dining room chairs are shades of browns and blues, so anything too holiday themed isn’t going to compliment the room.  Which is probably good, because I’m not into typical holiday colored things.  So I was excited to see this runner that I could use year round and also goes with my little pumpkin/candle accessories…

It’s the Eastleigh Green-Teal Runner from Crate and Barrel.  My only problem with this is a) aren’t there enough things from Crate and Barrel in there?  I know I love the place, but I’m looking borderline obsessed and b) it’s pricey considering I’d probably need the largest size with both extensions in my table.  So chances are, I’m going to pass on the C&B runner, but I figured I’d share it until I find an alternative 🙂

ps- please excuse the lighting in these pictures… the dramatic lighting in the dining room doesn’t make for the best photo ops!

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3 Responses to “thanksgiving prep”

  1. I love those birch votives!

    I feel like Freckles would be the “jump on the table and roll around on the clean table cloth” type if he were a cat. Thankfully he hasn’t tried that, seeing as he’s a 40lb dog!

  2. Corset stitching? LOVE! I have a pair of boots that has a stitch like that & I adore them!

    I can picture Macky running off with a pumpkin… haha too cute! You should set him up and try to catch him in the act 😉 I have pictures of bullet the ferret running off with an apple that weighs more than he does & it tops my list of priceless family pictures =)

    I should have my first decoration post coming up soon! I decided use a half a crate and barrel giftcard for holiday decor since I have yet to decorate in the new house! woot! so excited.


  3. Lindz says:

    YES we made the blog!! haha! So glad you liked the candles. And ps: that was totally the runner jon said u wanted and we almost got but I wasnt sure if he was right about that until now, hehe. OK jon, you win. xo Hope we can get together soon guys!!

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