some wine on the house


Posted by Rebecca, November 23rd, 2010

This is a partial view our dining room…

You will be seeing some more of this room in the next few days since Mike and I are hosting Thanksgiving! Yay!

This particular wall is home to our Ikea Vurm wine racks.  Each side has two wine racks, holding 4 bottles each.  We have had these wine racks for years- we had 3 of them in a line in our condo dining room.  We knew they were definitely something we wanted to keep around, but since we have a larger space we decided to buy a fourth rack.

They are quite empty tonight, it’s been a rough few weeks okay! 😉 So before the holidays we are going to replenish.  I love going to the liquor store… no for the reason you would think… but because of this pretty label…

And this one…

And doesn’t this just sound like a party?

Yes, I choose wines based on their labels.  I also judge books by their covers. I’m sure a somewhere a connoisseur is cringing, but I like to think of them as art or conversation pieces.  My current favorite?

Is that our house??

I love it.  Not just the simplicity of the label, but that you come to our house and you get…. house wine.  Get it? Okay it’s a little lame… but it’s cute and I’m tempted to buy a case.

Maybe with just a slight revision…


*Update: House Wine is apparently made by Magnificent Wine and they have a bunch of fabulous other labels! Table wine is a goody as well!*

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6 Responses to “some wine on the house”

  1. I’m not a wine drinker, so I totally pick them based on labels, too! We picked up a bottle of House Wine’s red from World Market a while back (mostly because of the label and a portion of the proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity).

  2. Marion says:

    I really like your wine house and wine racks and this kind of house i never saw before. I have just a wine table and now i want to make this type of rack which you have mentioned in the above post. Can you invite me our home because i want to spend some time this house?

  3. Decanter says:

    Wow, you give me the best idea for this post. I have just a wine table and no any place for taking glass. Now i decide i should make this type of wine rack for hanging glasses. I want to make 12 pieces of wine glass rack.

  4. Lisa says:

    I love asking people at the winery different questions. It’s so refreshing to hear different perspectives and new/interesting things about the wines one tastes.
    best decanter whiskey

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