the day after Christmas


Posted by Rebecca, December 26th, 2010

Incase you don’t live on the east coast, this is the current view of my porch…

Where are the stairs??

I took these through the window since I wouldn’t dare to open the door.. I attempted and the snow just blew in my face. The wind is blowing the snow everywheeere, as you can tell by the fact that our little pre-lit trees by our front door are covered.

Though I wish we would have had a chance to pick up some paint or curtains before the storm hit so that we could be productive, we are actually quite cozy sitting around the house eating all of our Christmas leftovers. It sure helped that we made these a few nights ago…

And these…

Aaaand these…

Mike’s creative side seems to come out in the form of pretzels. I think it’s the only decorating that is quick enough to hold his attention. He actually started the process without me while I was still throwing cookies in! 🙁

The best cookie of the night?

The Macky cookie. That is my husband’s handwriting. Quite scary that sometimes you can’t really tell our writing apart.

It may be scarier that it’s still snowing and we’re down to like, 5 cookies. I’m going to have to invest in some Pajama Jeans after this weekend. Thank God we finally got a snowblower!!!

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4 Responses to “the day after Christmas”

  1. Finally, Michigan bypasses the crazy snowstorm nailing the east coast! We got our death storm last week…stay safe!

    (and i am such a huge sucker for those chocolate dipped pretzels…we had a chocolate fountain at work a week ago, and they had pretzels with all kinds of sprinkles and frosting…and it was GLORIOUS!)

    let’s hope you all don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow, because it sounds like it’s a nasty storm!

  2. Enjoy the snow! We are (in theory) supposed to get another snowstorm mid week, can’t wait. But they never close work around here – and only rarely schools. Sometimes I wish we had snow days so I could curl up by the fire and just read all day. Sounds heavenly.

  3. Oh my goodness that is a lot of snow! We got flurries almost all day yesterday, which in itself is crazy in Florida.

    Those pretzels look SO good!

  4. whoa that’s so much snow! i hope you guys finally found your way out of the house. 🙂

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