Throwback Thursday?


Posted by Rebecca, January 20th, 2011

I survived 8 hours of work today, but my body is screaming for some rest. So I’m going to take it easy tonight and give you some pictures of our house from January of last year, when it was freshly drywalled. It was so exciting at the time, but I must add how small it looks with nothing in it!

The family room…

Half of the kitchen, sans cabinets (those came in March I think…)

The dining/living room, which I showed you last week…

The entryway…

Sometimes I feel like we’re not making enough progress, but looking at these and seeing all that we’ve accomplished in less than a year, while working, schoolin’ and having lives…I guess we’re not doing that bad of a job 🙂

Hopefully this weekend I can get back to my regular picture taking around this joint. For now, snuggles, milkshakes and Jersey Shore.

“Imma good peeeerson!”- Snooki, 2010.

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12 Responses to “Throwback Thursday?”

  1. RELAX LOVE! =) and enjoy! <3

    guess who ate goldfish today! bahahaha! I shared it with my friends kids. I ate them faster then they could. FAIL

  2. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    For working and going to school, I think your house looks awesome! Sometimes I feel like we aren’t making enough progress, but then I look at our house tour and feel a bit better.

  3. i looove this post since that’s the phase we just past with our new house! 🙂 your house looks incredible for it only being a year! i hope ours looks 1/2 as great as yours this time next year!! 🙂

  4. So right there with ya! Jersey Shore is backlogged on our DVR and that just makes me sad. I need a good laugh. I gotta catch up!

    Your house has made an amazing transformation! Impressive!

  5. Kerry says:

    So… I read the entire post – got to the end and now all I can think about is milkshakes! hahaha… that’s pregnancy brain for you! 😉 Hope you have a great weekend Rebecca!

  6. Wow, it’s cool to have all those pictures from when the house was being built. I love it!

    And I’m sick too. I feel your pain – although I must say I find milkshakes an odd one. When I’m sick anything dairy really turns me off. 🙂

    • Rebecca says:

      Haha you know what’s funny? Basically everything has been making me nauseous. I haven’t had an ounce of cheese all week (a lot to say for a vegetarian!) but for some reason, milkshakes don’t gross me out right now. It took me 4 days to want one though!

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