The “New” Floors Are Done!


Posted by Michael, February 3rd, 2011

It’s deja vu all over again.

Ok, it was a bit more funny when Yogi said it (Go Yanks!).  It seems like just yesterday we walked into a brand new house with brand new hardwood floors.  Wide planks, dark cherry color — we were in heaven.  But unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst.  Boards started to chip, some started to “creak,” “crack,” and “pop,” and some just decided to no longer stay flush against the subfloor.  Fortunately for us, the builder was willing to rip everything up and install new flooring.

They started on the area that used to push up and against the wall.  If this incline had some more time, it’d be a skateboard ramp for Macky.

And before we knew it, the wood just started to pile up.

After some hours coding away in the office, I came out to discover a good portion of the new floors were already installed!

Here is a good shot from the formal living room looking into the entry way.  Please ignore the the room covered in plastic — that is my office and you can’t see it until the master reveal!  I’m kidding, there was dust flying everywhere, the contractors felt bad for me while I was working.

Not quite kid tested, but…

And finally, some shots of the completed floors.  Almost as if nothing ever occured these last few days.

The install wasn’t too bad.  A bit of dust here and there and some scuff marks on some of our molding.  The builder is sending in a cleaning crew tomorrow to, well, clean and also a painter to touch up some of the molding.  Good stuff.  I’m hoping everything works out with these floors; they already feel and look better compared to the previous floors.  I am, however, a bit concerned about the previous floors.  Where will they go?  Will they sit in a landfill for the next X hundred years or can they be used/recycled?  I’m hoping to get some of these answers tomorrow morning when the builder stops over.

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8 Responses to “The “New” Floors Are Done!”

  1. yay problem solved! Those are good questions for the builder! keep us posted! Inquiring minds want to know! =) hehe

  2. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    Love them! And I agree with Jenn, keep us posted.

  3. michaela says:

    I love the floors. Holy cow! They’re amazing. Your home is so beautiful, girl! I’m glad it’s all coming together.

  4. colleen says:

    They are so beautiful. Hope they work this time : )

  5. Mae says:

    I just happened to find your blog thru FB! I love it, your house plan is very groovy and I love your style! Can’t wait to devour more of your blog! 🙂

  6. That’s great that this is finally behind you. Also great they are coming to clean up after themselves! 🙂 What an annoying project to have to go through only that is awesome the floors look fab so it will be worth it!

  7. Sandra says:

    Beautiful floors!

  8. So they used staples and glue? I’ve never heard of using glue with 3/4″ hardwood. They probably didn’t leave a large enough gap against the walls either. We installed hardwood in my mom’s shore house a few years ago and used a nailer, even with all the humidty changes associated with a shore town, we’ve never had any issues.

    Happy to see your builder came through for you!

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