I’m Blue Da Ba Dee


Posted by Rebecca, February 8th, 2011

Okay so remember this shot of our family room after we hung our roman shades?

Well it’s a little blah, missing something. My original plan was to keep the family room fun since it’s a room that can be fun.  I didn’t feel the need to make it classy or formal and I wanted to get away from my blue/brown color scheme. So I thought I’d add pops of green in.  I’ve known since we went to Hawaii that I wanted to add some of our amazing pictures above the mantel, so I decided to go for a Hawaii inspired color scheme.  I figured we could incorporate some green from these pictures…

So for a few months, I had some striped throw pillows with various blues and greens on the couch and some green plants around.  But the plants died and I couldn’t think of how else I would like to incorporate green to give it enough of an impact in the room. Then I found this gem in Crate and Barrel…

And my plan switched. That pretty gemstone of a blue? That is my new accent color.

We have no shortage of Hawaii pictures to work with…

Seriously, are those not the most inspiring pictures you have ever seen?? That dolphin is not photoshopped… AT ALL.  And this is just a small sample I pulled out of the over 3,000 pictures I have sitting on my laptop. I couldn’t even find some of my favorites at this very moment. I love that place.

So I had my vase and my pictures for a few months now, but I wasn’t sure how to bring it in elsewhere, when we decided that our white roman shades weren’t enough and we needed panels.  Cue the Merete pretty blue panels from Ikea…

Then I got sick and didn’t get a chance to hang them.  But while we were at Bed, Bath & Beyond last weekend getting some hardware to hang them, I had a throw pillow revelation.  I knew I wanted some texture, but I didn’t want anything too solid against the curtains. Then I found this beauty…

I cautiously walked it over to Mike, half hiding it, because I could have sworn he was going to say “TOO GIRLY! NO WAY!” but he loved it.

I love the texture, shades of blue and how it almost mimics water. We picked up 2 of them to add to my collection of pretty blue accessories…

That picture in the frame is one of my Hawaii favorites that I didn’t stumble upon tonight. It’s in one of the millions of folders!

After finding those pillows, I am so excited to finally accessorize this room. We’re planning on getting a sectional one of these days and If I could only refrain from getting sick and having mass amounts of homework for long enough to hang some curtains, I’d be a happy camper. Almost as happy as I was here…

Not another soul in sight. This is the first time I’ve seen this picture because we have just so many.

I received an email today about using my frequent flier miles and within an hour of that, I received a promotional email from one of the resorts we stayed in for part of our trip. I take it as a sign from god that it’s time to go back. Until then, I’ll be snuggling with my Hawaii blue curtains and pillows…

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10 Responses to “I’m Blue Da Ba Dee”

  1. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    Love where this is going! Can’t wait to see how it turns out!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Travelyoda, Rebecca. Rebecca said: My Hawaiian inspired family room color scheme 🙂 http://thelilhousethatcould.com/2011/02/08/im-blue-da-ba-dee/ […]

  3. We’re still reeling from Deathstorm 2011, we haven’t hit above the teens for a high temperature in Michigan, and you have the audacity to mention going to Hawaii????????

    I think my anger is stemming from my jealousy…

    And that dolphin? Wow….

  4. Gorgeous picture and now you have me wanting to go on vacation! I am so in love with that gorgeous rich gemstone color and I have been seeing it around this season more and more. Now I want after pictures!

  5. I’ll be in Hawaii (Maui) sometime next month. It’s our first trip, and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to see the views in your photos in person.

  6. Amy says:

    What is that lovely blue wall color? I must have it.

  7. Laura says:

    May I ask where did u purchase your paint?!

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