Where in the World…


Posted by Rebecca, March 24th, 2011

..Is my kitchen runner?

Remember this post around Valentine’s Day about how I wanted to order a runner to replace this shabby kitchen mat?

Well I pulled the trigger, the very next day, and ordered the Bogart Flat-Weave Wool Rug from Garnet Hill.

But when I ordered, I got this message.

Side note: I just noticed this, but how funny is it that they put this message the top of the email?

So my rug wasn’t going to ship until a month after my order, which was okay with me. This wasn’t an urgent-need-it-now purchase, plus I’m a patient person.

About two weeks ago, I remembered my rug was coming soon and got excited, then carried on. Last week I remembered it was being shipped, but I never heard anything about it. A few days ago, Mike looked at our kitchen mat with disdain and asked where the new one was. We were getting to that we-want-it-now point.

So today I decided to shoot Garnet Hill an email to ask if I would be notified when my rug was shipped. I wasn’t sure if a) it shipped and I wasn’t told or b) it just didn’t ship. They kindly responded to tell me that they didn’t know where my rug was, but their “specialist” would contact the manufacturer.

I began to get nervous….where the heck was my Bogart Flat-Weave rug??

Disney World?

Is there some sort of wait list for my rug that requires me to sleep outside of the Apple Store? Because I’ll do it.

Accenting one of the world’s wonders?

Transporting people to a whole new world (and therefore landing itself in another world)?

Experiencing Beiber fever?!??

Thankfully, Garnet Hill left me a voicemail later today to let me know that they’ve hunted down the manufacturer and my rug will be shipped tomorrow. Kudos to them for some great customer service.

Beiber is forgiven. As if I could ever be mad at him…

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15 Responses to “Where in the World…”

  1. Too funny, the company is from Franconia, NH! That’s where one of my dogs is named after.

  2. Amy says:

    That rug is great! We’re looking for a similar pattern for our living room. Hopefully it arrives soon!

  3. This post is hilarious! Too funny, but glad you are getting your rug. I can’t wait to see the pics in place! It’s a gorgeous rug!

  4. I loved this post. Enough that I had to share it with my husband. I don’t often do that. And let me tell you…he loved this post! It.made.us.laugh. Hard.

    Glad you are finally getting your rug!

  5. This post just made my life a lot better (and I had to share it with Robert, like Anna did with her husband).

    Glad your rug did not go on a trip to Disney without you and will not require you to sleep outside the Apple Store!

  6. BEIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY SWORN ENEMY OF EVERYTHING MANLY!!!!!!!!!!!!


    he would be the type to steal it and rock it as a shirt.

    BEIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHHHh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Robin says:

    fantastic photoshopping.

    • Rebecca says:

      I have to give credit to Mike for that one 🙂 He’s way faster with the photoshop work than I am. The last time I did something like this it took me like, 5 hours!

  8. bahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    um… amazing! this is one of my favorite posts ever now! glad the rug is shipping tomorrow… but really glad its tardiness prompted you to photoshop this post =)

    biebs! <3

  9. michaela says:

    HAHA! What a great post!!! I’m still laughing. I love that rug and hope it gets there really fast!

  10. You are so funny. And so crafty with Photoshop!!

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