The Patio Day 2


Posted by Rebecca, May 3rd, 2011

Hey it’s me! I know it’s been a while, but I’ve been super busy with school. I never got a chance to thank everyone for the support you gave me after the post I wrote about our kitties Mac and Sunny last week. It really meant the world to me, so thanks 🙂

Unfortunately, Macky had a seizure at 1:30 this morning. But he is doing okay and had a happy birthday last week. We were all very tired and stressed when the cement truck pulled up at 7:00 this morning. As excited we were for the patio, having the doorbell ring that early and having to move our cars out of the driveway was not fun. But, we now have a patio!

Wait, what? You thought we were doing a wood plank stamp?

Well after talking with our concrete buddy, we decided the wood plank stamp wouldn’t look great on the walkway. I was worried about this, but he actually brought it up. He suggested we do 2 different stamps. At first I was all like uhh, that’s going to look funny. But he confidently told me that he had a client do it and he thought the same thing, but the result was great. He reassured me by saying that people mix pavers and wood decks, so why not a wood plank stamp with a paver type of stamp? It really didn’t take long to convince me that this could be a cool idea. We picked out the pattern above while standing in the yard in a matter of about 2 minutes. I liked the smaller, mixed size of the “tiles” and the grain type of texture they had to match the wood stamp. We still kept the walkway the same color as the wood stamped patio to unify the spaces.

Without further ado, the patio! After stamp but before sealer, so the color will change slightly and will have a nice sheen 🙂

These guys worked so fast that before 9am, the concrete was fully poured. I was home keeping an eye on Macky for a few hours so I got to see the pouring/smoothing process. It looked quite like icing a cake 🙂 I missed the entire stamping process though 🙁 I was dying to see that!

ps- Here’s the video tour that wasn’t working earlier!

I’m linking this post up to Centsational Girl’s Outdoor Ideas Party!

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127 Responses to “The Patio Day 2”

  1. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    Glad Macky is doing ok!

    That looks great! Can’t wait to see it finished!
    Cait @ Hernando House recently posted..Guest Bath Redux- Features

    • nmgene says:

      This really upsets me. I read the whole article and watched the video, no where did it show how to do it.

      • Kendall says:

        100% me too!

      • Rafael says:

        Me 3!!! 🙁

      • Rebecca says:

        I’m sorry about that, this post was written 3 years ago and it was clear from previous posts while I was blogging regularly that we hired this out. I believe this may have been linked to another site as a DIY, which it clearly wasn’t. This post was never meant to be a stand-alone of the process.

      • Litlmissbuttons says:

        There is a video on WikiHow that gives step by step information on stamping a concrete path.

      • Jeannie says:

        Yes, this is very misleading and a waste of my time! Not appreciated!

      • Angel says:

        How rude to leave remarks like this! A waste of your time? Better disconnect the Internet then or your in for much greater disappointments. The title of this post in no way, shape or form deceived people into believing it was a DIY. I appreciated being introduced to a new design option I wasn’t aware of – THANK YOU to the blogger who shared it.

    • Taz says:

      Thank you for sharing. I love the woodgrain look and would love to know which company you got it done with, as i am planning to get my back yard done and this sounds like an awesome idea.

      Thxs Taz

  2. Kerry says:

    UM WOW! It looks so fantastic! I’m so jealous of your beautiful new patio! 🙂
    Kerry recently posted..Etsy Love – Cats Paw Pottery

  3. I’m in love!! Do you think 1 year is too soon to rip up a patio and start again?? 😛 I didn’t this wood plank stamp idea existed. LOVE it!
    michelle@decorandthedog recently posted..Oh Snap!

  4. oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooohhh! (spoken like the squishy alien toys in toy story)

    in. love.
    Jenn L @ Peas & Crayons recently posted..Baked Falafel

  5. Kristel says:

    Gorgeous! Will definitely consider this for when we redo our backyard. Turn out beautiful, and it’s not even stained yet…..can’t wait o see final results.

  6. Brenda Kula says:

    I think it looks fantastic! And so original and creative!

  7. oh my goodness. i think i may have seen it all-i had NO idea something like this wood plank stamp existed, and my faux bois loving heart is majorly jealous. i am saving this! and i love the combo you’ve got (totally works) and the curve of the patio. brilliant!

  8. Wow, so beautiful! What a fantastic idea. I love the curves!

    • Rebecca says:

      Thanks Kristen! We knew from the beginning that we didn’t want anything square. Thankfully the curves work with the wood stamp (we were a little nervous it would look funny!)

  9. Rebecca, I absolutely love this design, it’s incredible! Good call girl! Thanks for linking up to the party this week.


  10. […] now as I scratch my head wondering what to do with ours.  I love this faux bois-ish look on Rebecca’s new patio, so now I want a wood plank stamped surface […]

  11. Jenny K. says:

    I love that wood stamping!
    Jenny K. recently posted..Flowers Started From Seed

  12. Hopping over from Censational Girls Outdoor Party. Hope you enjoy my ‘patio time’ post. (link #205)

    Love your patio and the cute shadow shot of yourself.

    Glenda Childers recently posted..Anatomy of My First Cubs Game

  13. Karena says:

    I am simply amazed…this turned out so great, I adore the mixed stamps!

    Found you are my friend Kate’s.

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my Great Giveaway from Serena & Lily!

    You will love it!
    Karena recently posted..Serena and Lily an Exciting Giveaway

    • Rebecca says:

      Thanks Karena, thank goodness those mixed stamps turned out well… I would have cried…

      • Patricia Hayes says:

        I was hoping to see how you stamped the concrete. It looks beautiful, but I wouldn’t know how to go about stamping it. Did you have someone do it for you?

  14. […] the way, I also love this idea of a wood plank stamped concrete patio, but I thought that would have been a little out of our […]

  15. I LOVE the woodgrain stamp, such an awesome way to improve upon the concrete patio. Wish I had poured mine so we could do the same, but I am tempted to have them come pour over the top so I can do this now!
    Allison Waken recently posted..MUD PARTY

  16. Brittney says:

    Love the woodgrain concrete! I totally have this saved in my “someday” file! 🙂

  17. Mia says:

    We are just about to do this wood affect concrete in our backyard. What colour did you use if I may ask?? I like this colour.

  18. Mona says:

    I love the woodgrain look. So glad I found your blog. We are saving to finally have a patio off the back of our home. Can you tell me how much we will need to save? Our patio should be about the same size. It would be great to know how much it cost.

  19. Andree says:

    That is BEAUTIFUL! I saw something siimilar on Holmes on Homes (on HGTV in Canada), but never thought it could get that wood look! That is AMAZING!
    I’m with Mona, how much did this run you up for! I would love to know, so I can start putting that extra bit aside for our next home! Adorable!

    BTW, found your site through Pinterest, one of the examples you posted linked back to your previous post talking about your interest in this 🙂

  20. Dawn P. says:

    Wow. That looks incredible. Now I know what I want to do for my yard. I don’t think $11 per square foot is too bad for all you got either! Great job!

    Glad your kitty is ok too!

  21. Becky Royce says:

    Fabulous! Can you tell me who did your concrete. I want to buy one of the stamped wood plank forms. I’ve looked all over where I live and I can’t seem to find anyone that carries that style. Thanks!

    • Rebecca says:

      Hi Becky, a local contractor did ours, but I don’t think he sells the forms. I believe I saw them for sale on some concrete websites when I was pricing everything out, so you might want to try one of the suppliers!

  22. Sharon says:

    So how many square feet and how much???? Crass, but info that is needed to know if I need to go in search of a concrete contractor : )

    • Rebecca says:

      Hi Sharon, I decided to not include the price to respect future estimates of our contractor, but our patio is probably around 700 square feet (hard to measure with the curves and walkway). When I googled around for pricing when we were looking into it, I found estimates between $8 and $15 sq ft.

  23. Audrey Houston says:

    WOW. Love this! Pinned it 🙂

  24. […] We’ve all seen normal stamped concrete patios. But what about a faux bois concrete patio (from The Lil House That Could)? […]

  25. karrieellen says:

    Found your stamped concrete patio via pinterest. We’re looking into doing similiar in Monmouth County, NJ. Would you mind telling me who you used for your concrete contractor? Also, a year later, are you still happy with your concrete patio? Thanks!

  26. Gorgeous! I wanted something similar when we added onto our driveway, but the concrete guys acted like I was nuts. So we have a parking lot instead. Not very attractive. I still get irked when I think about it.

    Now for the $64,000 question: was it horribly expensive?

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  28. Amanda says:

    HI! I love your deck. We are getting ready to redo ours this summer. Do you have pictures of everything that is finished? Also, I know you didn’t list how much your deck was, but I’m wondering if you’d mind emailing me the cost. My daughter has cancer and I don’t have a lot of time to do research as we spend our days in the hospital. Anyway, I would love to hear from you, this is amazing and if we can afford it I really want to do. it. Thank you. Amanda You can email me at

  29. Lynda says:

    Your patio looks great. So do you have expansion joints cut right into the design? If so, very clever. I just had a stamped concrete patio laid with a fieldstone stamp and the joints look horrible. I am beside myself. Other than ripping it up, I don’t know what else I could do.

    • Rebecca says:

      Yep! The cuts completely line up with the wood planks in one direction and cut across some planks in the other, but it’s not very noticeable!

  30. Freeda says:

    I’m thinking $$$$$ and wondering if it’s in my budget to do this idea!? I have sat on my deck thinking of a beautiful patio because NOTHING will grow under the huge oak trees at each end of the back area of my home…Potted plants with a preferance to mostly shade is my dream…AND my fairy gardens that I love making…Thanks for the idea!!!!

  31. […] version of the same old artichoke dip. Awesome flavor combo in this recipe!Favorite future home: Wood Grain Stamped Concrete. Concrete stamped then sealed to mimic the look of wood (this is un-sealed still.) I am totally […]

  32. Christie says:

    I would like to know if weather (Deathly hot summers/freezing cold winters…rain, snow, sleet, etc.) wear down the design or stain of the walkway and patio? We “Got Weather”

  33. Lynn says:

    Can you post a picture after the sealer has been applied? I’m thinking we might do our back patio in wood plank and really curious how it looks after the seal.

  34. kara brown says:

    Can I get the contact info on the people who did this

  35. Chante says:

    What a fantastic project! I’m going to link it to our Flooring pinboard. Check it out at

    – Chante

  36. […] the warmth of wood grain and the ease of concrete made faux bois an irresistible choice for their patio. Using a concrete stamp to create the appearance of a wood finish is sure to leave an indelible […]

  37. Wow Rebecca!

    The wood stamp on the concrete looks amazing! I’m glad you found such a great concrete contractor.

    I especially liked how you mixed the stamp of the pavers with the stamp of the wood- it turned out great! They compliment each other very well!

    Would love to see how your project turned out with your bonfire pit and bbq! 🙂

    • Rebecca says:

      Me too, the BBQ is still currently in progress! We will post more about it as it comes along. Sadly it’s still a frame as we had to add some additional parts to it over a few weekends.

  38. Tanya says:

    I love the woodgrain stamp and am considering a stamped concrete patio but one of my contractors says they can be quite slippery.

    Do you find that to be true? Part of the patio will be a walkway that we use everyday.

    Your patio looks amazing and I am sure you will have many good times there once the BBQ is finished!

    • Rebecca says:

      We haven’t had any problems, but we don’t have a pool or anything! Next year when the baby is really running around we shall see, but the texture is fairly rough.

    • Kathy G says:

      HI! Straight up because of yours, I’m fairly set on this is what I’ll do with our patio that needs resurfacing. 🙂 I bet you sold a bunch of these, too bad you didn’t have an back-end contract too! LOL BUt Now that you’ve had some time to evaluate – it really LOOKS wonderful! – but (1) is it slippery (2) is it Hot in the summer (3) can you pressure wash it? THANKS!

  39. Vic Stapel says:

    Hi. I would have gone with the wood stamp all the way would have looked awesome like a trail in the dunes. Or REAL rock mixed with the wood stamp. As the fake rock seems to nearly tell that the wood is also fake. But then some say it as it is:-)
    How much was it per m2 or sq foot, the wood stamping ?
    How easy is it to clean?

  40. Maria says:

    Looks awesome would like for you to email this to me as I would love to try and do this at my place in Australia ….Something very different , bit I love it ….

  41. Logan says:

    This is very cool. My father is a craftsman and would be able to do something like this. I came to this website assuming it would give me guidelines or teach the reader how to do so. Any tips or can you direct me to find out how to do such amazing craft like this? Thanks in advance.

  42. Cate Nobles says:

    I also came to this site expecting to find instructions, or at least to find sources of tools or equipment necessary to achieve the look of wood planks. I like the idea, but need more info to make this happen for my yard.

  43. […] Find all the details here…Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  44. […] TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  45. […] get a stone patio, which unfortunately, doesn’t come cheap. Fortunately, I was able to find a tutorial on the […]

  46. Glory says:

    Spot on with this write-up, I really believe that this web site needs much more attention. I’ll probably be returning to read through more, thanks for the info!

  47. Sally says:

    This post is truly a good one it helps new internet users, who are wishing for blogging.

  48. Carole` says:

    OMG ! I love that wood look. I didn’t know this existed….I want it ! Going to have to check into this for sure. Well there goes the wood deck !

  49. […] Stamp Concrete So It Looks Like Wooden Floors […]

  50. Heini Soltau says:

    Good Day,
    We are in the proses of upgrading our wellness-area and are interested in the stamped deck option. We are situated in Namibia ,and therefor it makes it really hard for us to get any info on products like yours. Can you give us any info on the way how to do it?


  51. El Mas Feliz says:

    OMG this “wood” concret looks absolutely amazing! We have the other type, like stones put together, but I would any time change to this wood “model” Stunning!
    El Mas Feliz recently posted..Banks….

  52. Jean says:

    So what is the point if it does not show you the process, a complete waste of my time!

  53. […] upkeep, is very durable, and looks so good! What a terrific idea! Find all the details here… TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood Image Credit: […]

  54. […] sturdy, and appears so good! What a terrific concept! Find all the small print right here… TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood Image Credit: […]

  55. […] TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  56. […] TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  57. […] TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  58. […] upkeep, is very durable, and looks so good! What a terrific idea! Find all the details here… TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood Image Credit: […]

  59. DB says:


    I just stumbled upon your blog. We are thinking of doing a stamped concrete patio much like yours. Would you mind sharing who performed the work and possible contact info?

  60. […] DIY Wood Plank Stamped Concrete […]

  61. […] the warmth of wood grain and the ease of concrete made faux bois an irresistible choice for their patio. Using a concrete stamp to create the appearance of a wood finish is sure to leave an indelible […]

  62. […] Decorative stamped concrete is very popular, if you want to stamp your concrete floors or have a stamped concrete patio you’ve made a good choice. BUT PLEASE –  I would recommend hiring a professional concrete stamping contractor. These steps don’t sound to hard but there are a lot of variables like wind, sun, a hot concrete mix, or half the slab is in the shade and the other half is in the hot sun, that can make stamping concrete very challenging. Want some inspiration? Check out The Lil House That Could […]

  63. Lysa Lynch says:

    So now that you have had the stamped concrete for a few years, how has the stain held up? We’ve had stamped concrete on one of our previous patios and had to have it restained after some time with weather and age.

  64. […] Get full tutorial at: […]

  65. tina says:

    What company made the walnut color you choose. There are so many different concrete companies with similar, yet different color palettes.

  66. tina says:

    How do you stamp around the pipes extending from the concrete? I just poured a patio with a wood stamp, but i hate it because I also have a broom finish border around the exterior edges. I want to rip it out and repour and restamp the whole thing with no border, but am wondering how it would work since there are pipes extruding from the concrete for gas lines and plumbing. I assume it would be hard to stamp around the pipes since the wood plank stamp is so large.

  67. […] Rebecca’s patio, being stamped cement, is durable, long-lasting, and looks really great. The surface and shape of their patio is something I’ve kept in the back of my mind for years now because I think it plays off the back of their house in a really nice way. Should I ever have the right space or sidewalk for a treatment like theirs, I’ll be all over making my own. You can read about the design and installation of their deck on Rebecca’s blog The Lil’ House Th…. […]

  68. Anonymous says:

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  69. Jason Roland says:

    Your stamped concrete looks amazing. I love the look of concrete that looks like wood. The beauty of concrete is that it is almost always repairable.
    Jason Roland recently posted..Lifting Concrete with Foam

  70. Acosta says:

    This fake wood concrete looks awesome! How much does it costz? Is there a place in Bosto MA that doed it? Thanks, Acosta

  71. […] TheLilHouseThatCould – Stamp Concrete So It looks Like Wood […]

  72. […] More details here… DIY Wood Plank Stamped Concrete […]

  73. Will Fowler says:

    Another way to accomplish this look on concrete is by using a cementitious overlay on correctly prepared concrete. You can tape out planks, and trowel the coating to look like grain, knots, and nail holes. Then you can stain the final product any color you can imagine for different looks. For durability topcoat with epoxy, acrylic, or a urethane.
    Will Fowler recently posted..High Quality Stenciled Floors

  74. Si vous affectionnez les studios de jardin en bois, voilà qui donne des constructions en bois. Vous êtes un particulier à la recherche d’un local pour recueillir votre famille le temps d’un weekend ou bien pour résider un universitaire ? vous êtes un entrepreneur à la recherche d’un cabinet dégagé et retiré de la maison individuelle ? Woodyloft fournit des extensions en bois de qualité livrés vite chez vous. Contactez nous pour plus d’informations sur nos studios de jardin.

  75. […] Rebecca – DIY patio tutorial […]

  76. Brooke1979 says:

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    Brooke1979 recently posted..Brooke1979

  77. Carl whalen says:


    Wow, nice article, I love your designs and work It looks so good, Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
    Keep posting more.

    Have a nice day!

  78. […] Get full tutorial at: […]

  79. […] Get whole tutorial at: […]

  80. […] Get whole tutorial […]

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  82. Wow! Beautiful patio. You need to take care of it.

  83. It was interesting that two different concrete stamps didn’t end up clashing, but actually worked beautifully! My husband and I are thinking about adding some decorative concrete to our backyard, so this was a fun example to see! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

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