The Macky Pillow


Posted by Rebecca, May 17th, 2011

My baby is famous. And it’s home decor related.

A couple of years ago, I entered a picture of Macky in Pillow Pillow Pillow’s pet casting call. I saw it linked from and figured I’d give it a shot. So I entered this

Doesn’t he look so young and cute? Apparently someone agreed with me, because I nearly fell over when I saw that Macky had been given his own pillow out of thousands of entries. Because his cute little face would be sold nationwide, the kind people at Pillow Pillow Pillow sent us one of the hot-off-the-press Macky pillows.

Stunt Macky normally hangs out on our entertainment center these days, since he is a part of the “litter” series and his pillow is too kitten-sized to sit on the couch. Plus we like to minimize wear and tear on this once in a lifetime, commemorative piece 🙂

Quite possibly the best part of this (as if it could get any better for a pet momma), is the tag.

The inside reads…

I didn’t write that, the people at Pillow Pillow Pillow did, but isn’t it the cutest and most accurate description ever?? All I submitted was the caption above and they added the Princeton tiger blurb. The online description takes the story even further…

Macky the tabby cat lives in East Windsor, NJ. He is strong and beautiful and fierce, with bright orange eyes and striking black stripes running across his silky grey fur. Even though he’s a little kitten, Macky fancies himself a tiger. Literally. Maybe his parents read him too many story books, or maybe he wandered off one too many times to Princeton University (it’s just down the road), where the school colors are orange and black and the mascot is the tiger. Whatever the reason, the fact is, Macky believes from the top of his head to the tip of his paws that he a ferocious beast. Humor him, and you’ll get along famously. (But remember – even though he loves it when people cower in fear, Macky doesn’t bite!)

We love our little pillow, but this thing is teeny tiny and expensive. We originally wanted to buy them to give them out for Christmas a few years ago (and support Macky’s college fund), but we decided that $41 was too much for a tiny pillow.

Seriously, it’s $41. How disappointing. But we’re very happy to have received one, though we wish some of the profits from the sale of the Macky pillow went to help other abandoned kittens or something. We didn’t really think he’d win and didn’t think through the pricing or anything. But we’re proud parents, nonetheless 🙂

Also, more recently Macky was made into some vinyl wall art

See him in there? Isn’t he the cutest? 🙂

Pillow Pillow Pillow also came out with some organic totes, but the litter series wasn’t released 🙁 I was looking forward to going to the grocery store with Macky’s mug on my bag. Maybe someday.

So that’s the story of how Macky became famous a few years ago. I always knew he had some star power in that little body of his, so I’m so proud that someone else out there saw it too.

ps- If anyone is interested in buying a Macky pillow, you can do so at the Pillow Pillow Pillow online shop or at the fine retailers listed here. Macky was not paid or perked for this post. He doesn’t really receive money towards his college fund and will be taking out loans like the rest of us. When I asked him for permission to use his celebrity status on my blog he said “who care!” and proceeded to lay belly up in his bed. He said there will be no autographs or press conferences given at this time, but sends his love to his fans.

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6 Responses to “The Macky Pillow”

  1. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    So cute! And I love the description!
    Cait @ Hernando House recently posted..Easy Update- Vase Lamp

  2. Kendall says:

    How cool! Not just anyone gets their own pillow design! Great blog.

  3. Alison says:

    That is such a cool story.

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