Staycation All I’ve Ever Wanted


Posted by Rebecca, August 9th, 2011

Mike and I are officially on staycation! We have the next 3 days off from work, since we planned a trip to Florida but cancelled it to be home with our sick kitty. While my idea of a good time is working on the house, we know it would be best for us to get out and at least pretend we’re on vacation. We have a beach day planned for one day, a Yankee game/NYC trip for another and one day is up in the air.

But, if I were to stay home? I have a running list of small projects I’m itching to tackle in the very near future (most of which originated through Pinterest :)) I think this calls for a rainy day list! ::drumroll::

1. Washer Monogram

(via Decor and the Dog)

Michelle from Decor and the Dog created this from an image I saw floating around Pinterest a while ago. She happens to have the same last initial as me, so I kind of got to see it all personalized!

2. Gallery Wall

(via Decor Chick)

Mike and I have had Ikea frames hanging around forever now, just waiting to do our gallery wall(s) in the entryway. We’re planning on doing downstairs, up the stairs and upstairs and I cannot wait. Emily from Decor Chick recently created one and I’m currently in love with her version.

3. Lyric Wall Art

(via First Time Fancy)

I spotted the original version of this on Pinterest, but Kerry from First Time Fancy’s was the first DIY version I saw. Since I like to paint and a good chunk of Mike’s life revolves around lyrics and their meanings, I couldn’t think of a more appropriate piece of art for us!

4. Patterned Frosted Windows

(via 7th House on the Left)

I’ve wanted to frost our entryway mini-windows since we moved in, but I’ve been afraid of it looking cheap. Ashley from 7th House on the Left posted the perfect solution this week- she made a frosted pattern which makes it look oh so high end! I was so excited about this one that I printed out her template immediately. I love me some quatrefoil.

5. Living By This

(via here found on Pinterest)

I really want to take some time these next few days to breathe and enjoy life. The past month has been an absolute emotional rollercoaster for us. Last week we were told that Darwin most likely would not beat his cancer, which left me devastated for about 2 days until I realized how happy the little man is. I then felt like I had to hold my ish together for him, since he’s way stronger than I am and is acting fairly normal. He did well at the vet tonight and finally gained some weight. His kidneys are back to being physically normal this week, though they are still not functioning. We left him at the vet overnight for some extra treatments, so I am currently feeling like a giant (but actually little) piece of me is missing. There is still little hope that his kidneys will kick in, but all we need is a little hope to keep our heads up. For now, we’re doing everything we can to make sure he stays as happy as he’s been this week. What’s tearing me apart? Cancer. What’s holding me together? Darwin and his miraculous attitude and will to live. I shall focus on the latter. Thank you Pinterest 🙂

Regardless of what I check off this list for the rest of the week, it will be a productive one. If not for the house, for my sanity (only after I pick up my kitten from the vet tomorrow and attack him with kisses!!)

ps- if you see me tweeting anything but pictures of a sandy beach please yell at me…

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7 Responses to “Staycation All I’ve Ever Wanted”

  1. ALittleBite says:

    I loved the quatrefoil design, too, and was thinking about adding it to my kitchen glass doors. And the monogram looks great! All these projects are so cute. Enjoy your staycation with your kitties!

  2. Enjoy your staycation!! I took a mini one during the 4th and have another planned during Labor Day! They’re nice because you don’t have the stress of packing/traveling and you get to sleep in your own bed!!

    But what are you doing reading this?? Get to the beach!!

  3. I love staycations. There’s something so satisfying about not having to go to work while everyone else does. Enjoy your time off!

  4. Kerry says:

    Enjoy your staycation my dear… i’ve been thinking you guy guys and Darwin! I’ll keep sending my best thoughts and wishes your way for him!!

    (thanks for showing my artwork too! It was so much fun to create!)

  5. Haha the Rolls Royce couch description is classic. Why are such horrible couches even made? Who buys them? Your choice looks great and try to enjoy your stay vacation!

  6. Jami says:

    Enjoy your staycation! I hope yall have a nice time, make sure to sleep in like you were in high school!

  7. ashlee says:

    i’m obsessed with gallery walls. like, over the top obsessed. i only have one so far – in my daughter’s room. but i cannot wait to get going with them in the rest of the house. i wish we had an ikea nearby (i’m in eastern canada). it would make things SO much easier.

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