Return of the Deer


Posted by Rebecca, August 31st, 2011

This morning before I left for work, I checked on my deer only to find them covered in dew. I figured that would definitely mean I would have to redo them and I was prepared to come home and tell you that there would be no deer reveal.

Well, the deer faked me out. When I got home, they looked just fine! No marks from my failed attemped to move them while they were still wet, no dew marks and you could hardly see that weird stain seepage I mentioned yesterday. I was all set to sand them this weekend, but I think they’ll do just fine 🙂

I stuck them on the entryway table to take pictures, but I liked them there since the table has been lacking in the accessories department for months. I decided to add books that represented both my and Mike’s websites… so we have decorating and lyrics 🙂

I decided to angle the books rather than put them flush against the wall. They just looked better that way.

Who knows if they’ll stay here once we finish up the entryway and finally find a white lampshade. I think it would be fun to spray them an interesting color someday (ala Antonio from Design Star’s pink geese), but I’m liking my new display so far 🙂

Since I was standing in front of a mirror and I promised to try to include more pictures of myself, I couldn’t resist.

Sorry guys, I really tried to take myself seriously, but it didn’t happen. I mean, I was standing in front of a mirror with a camera… what is this 2005? Plus the mirror has a smudge. And I’m wearing the shirt I sleep in. It’s the thought that counts 🙂

Anyway, I’m in the midst of another entryway project so I’m keeping it short tonight. Hopefully I’ll finish it this year this week…

Update: here is the before picture of the deer again, so you don’t have to click back to the previous post 🙂

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10 Responses to “Return of the Deer”

  1. Those turned out so cute!

    Also? I try not to include pictures of me in the blog because I either look stuck up (I’m not, I swear!) or ridiculous. There is no middle ground. I think the last picture of me I allowed was me painting the birch trees on the wall, and even that one is awful.

  2. Elisa says:

    These turned out awesome! Glad to see I’m not the only one that has zippy patience with spray paint — thankfully spray paint is very forgiving, hah. Also, is this white gloss? Definitely getting that ceramic vibe.

  3. The deer are rad. I’m digging them.

    My blog is making me shower on the week-end…sometimes…so I don’t look like a disgusting mess all of the time…just some. I like your wave…keeps less Myspace and more friendly blogger.

  4. Tawny says:

    Love this idea. I may have to start hunting for treasures to spray paint. I also like that you photograph the unexpected and let us know that your projects do have flaws. I wonder what that weird seepage was and why it faded as the paint dried.

  5. mike says:

    Let it be known that I gave Rebecca the idea to spray paint these things! My mom showed them to me first and my exact words were, “Oh! Rebecca will want these to spray paint them white!”

  6. Beckie says:

    Gurl. Thumbs up/high five!

  7. Just found your site:) Will totally keep checking in!
    PS — I hate putting pics of me on my blog too, b/c I’m always in cruddy work clothes with my hair in a bun! Plus, I’m 40, so I just can’t get the hang of the take my own pic FB-style at arm’s length thing… I always look like I’m cringing. So I include a lot of pics of Dan looking rough. ‘Cause that’s what husbands are for ;-> No? That wasn’t in the vows?
    Please feel free to drop on by my blog, Rental House Rules on WordPress (address above). Similar to your site, but with a different angle b/c we’re renters & have to be able to easily undo what we do here. Plus, we’re on a REALLY tight budget, so our projects are usually tres thrifty!
    — Amy 🙂

  8. Teresa says:

    I know this is an old post, but I hopped over from YHL… great save!!! Makes me want to go to thrift stores right now and find something to spray!!

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