A Little More Personal


Posted by Rebecca, September 21st, 2011

So I’m back in school for the semester and by the time Wednesday rolls around, I feel like I’ve worked a full week. My Tuesday night class is until 10:30, which means I don’t get home until 11:30 and I stay at work until almost 7 to leave straight from there. Darwin is also still getting chemo, which we’ve been doing on Wednesday afternoons, since our usual Tuesday evening appointments aren’t possible now. By Wednesday night, I usually collapse on the couch and need a time out.

I’m still trying to find a routine with everything. The spring semester was the hardest for me in content and workload, but my hardest class was on Mondays so I knew that all day Sunday was homework day. One of my online classes this semester has assignments due every Sunday and Monday, but they require participation and the topics aren’t posted until Tuesdays. So I can’t work on them on Sundays because starting late reflects on your grade and I have a strict no homework on Saturdays policy. See the above blurb about being over the week by Wednesday and well, last week I violated my no homework on Saturdays and ended up doing it then. This means I lost my part of my project day this past weekend.

I do best when I know, for example, Saturday is house project day, Sunday is homework, I blog Monday-Thursday and Friday is a day off. I just need to adjust my routine a little and figure out when to do the discussion posts for my online class sometime during the week. Which probably means collapsing and taking a nap after work on Wednesdays is no longer an option ๐Ÿ™‚

Since we’re on a personal note, as you know a few weeks ago I went to a blogger meet up with Emily Henderson. While there, someone said I looked familiar, but I knew immediately that they couldn’t possibly know me since there are zero pictures of me on my blog. No, that partial landscape picture with me as an inch tall in my About section does not count. I’ve also been talking to Mike for a while about making some design changes around here (which will be slow coming, see above paragraphs about being stretched thin :)) Then even after that, I read one of those tips for bloggers things (sorry, I don’t remember where I saw it) where one of the tips was to have a picture of yourself so readers know who is talking to them.

You know where I’m going with this right? Photo shoot time!

Note: I put the awkward in Awkward Family Photos.

First it was just me…

Then Mike threw some of the entryway accessories in there to look more designerly…

Then, I added a prop! (okay she added herself. That’s Mowie, we call her our forgotten child. She’s not usually photogenic, though a wonderful cuddle muffin that sleeps with me nightly)

Then we kissed. Because she loves her momma.

Then someone decided he wanted to be included, but didn’t really want to be a part of the lame photo shoot. So he decided to photo bomb, as usual.

I look like I have a cat on my head. That would not be unusual around here…

I already changed up my picture on Twitter because let’s face it, I got married almost 2 years ago and the wedding picture was getting old.ย I haven’t decided which one to use on the blog yet, but like I said it requires that Mike and I sit down together and figure out how we want this thing to go. I haven’t mentioned this in a while, but Mike single handedly designed this entire blog and I don’t speak graphic design or code or any of that. Our usual process involves him handing me a piece of paper and telling me to draw it out so he can design it. Most of our changes are small and gradual since well, this little blog is at the bottom of his web design totem pole. Occasionally I lose my patience and add things on my own, but I have no time to learn new tricks these days. So progress will be small, gradual, baby stepsย (though you may have noticed some small changes here and there already). How did a post about being busy turn into talking about more things we want to do? ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyone else have a full plate and just itching to blog and paint mirrors? Spill it.

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3 Responses to “A Little More Personal”

  1. I think my favorite of the photos may be the one with Macintosh photo bombing. Haha – Cats are so funny!

    Totally random, but do you typically go sans engagement/wedding ring? I noticed you weren’t wearing them in the photos and wasn’t sure if you’re always without them or just forgot them. I feel creepy for noticing that but I’m getting married next month so I have wedding on the brain 24/7.

    • Rebecca says:

      Haha I almost mentioned that but I figured no one would notice! Mike and I started this bad habit of only wearing our wedding rings when we leave the house. Mostly because I’ll shower or wash my hands and take it off, then I don’t bother to put it back on. And actually, we both left the house without them last weekend. We figure if we’re out together it’s okay to look single ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Rebecca… I could not be MORE in the same place as you right now. I work full time and go to law school and night… and sometimes, all I want to do is play with my house and work on projects. Totally in a project lull right now and dying for some DIY! Sigh… the life of busy couples…

    PS- absolutely adorable picture series! I LOVE being able to see who I’m “talking” to for sure!

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