We Did It


Posted by Michael, April 18th, 2012

On Tuesday morning, Rebecca made about 8 million phone calls to various Babies R Us stores.  She started out calling New Jersey stores and working outwards.  In between calls, she’d vent to me about no one having it.  And I certainly didn’t help when I kept recommending different places to call — “call Maryland!” and “call South Carolina!” and “call China!”

Yeah, I’m the dramatic one in this relationship.

After a ton of calls, Rebecca finally got a hit; we finally found the glider!   She’ll tell you a bit more about the deets at a later time, but there was a floor model available at a store in my favorite part of New York City: Staten Island.  Better known as the place where I was born.

And here she is in all of her glory.  I wish I could have taken a wider shot of the room with the glider, but Rebecca had some stuff on the crib that screamed I AM THE GENDER OF THE BABY, so I had to be selective in my shots.

Despite being the floor model, it was in top shape.  There was a smudge on the ottoman, but as soon as we got home Rebecca was able to quickly clean it up.  God bless micro-suede.

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7 Responses to “We Did It”

  1. I am so happy you guys found the glider! Also, I had no idea you were from Staten Island! So is my husband (and it’s where we live now).

  2. Stacey says:

    Me too! So happy for you guys YAY!

  3. Ainhoa says:

    Yay!! So glad you found it!

  4. Ashley says:

    So glad you guys could find it…it’s beautiful & I love it!

  5. Elisa says:

    Hurray! Babies R Us is horrible about taking things off their shelves! I just hosted a baby shower were her stroller AND crib had both gone out of stock, weeks after she had registered for them.

    Glad you got to make a good trip for it. 🙂

  6. Tanja says:

    I’m so happy you found it. I love it so much and have been seriously considering getting one as well even though my baby is 9 mths old BUT I’m not back at work yet so money is tight. Now I regret not pulling the trigger sooner. O well live and learn.

  7. Yay! You found it! Can’t wait to see how it looks in the nursery!

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