Giraffe Sconces


Posted by Rebecca, May 10th, 2012

Remember way back when we started planning this nursery, when my very first nursery purchase was a pair of Jonathan Adler giraffe sconces? Well, yesterday they finally went on the wall!

I can tell you nothing about the install process– Mike and his dad did everything, but Mike did snap some in-progress photos for you with his iPhone. I will try my best to narrate.

Step 1: Holes went in wall.

Step 2: Wires somehow came out of wall (I know it involved crawling around the attic)

Step 3: New light switch went in, with more wires.

Step 4: I took a nap (not documented through photos)

Step 5: More wires and blue boxes. Please note that the electricity is off in this picture, safety first kids!

Then Mike did the usual taping and capping of wires while I neglected to take pictures of the fixtures actually going up. The sconces came in 4 pieces: the actual light fixture (which was just a round circle sconce with a light bulb pointing upwards), a shade, a giraffe head and a giraffe body (which were just mounted to the wall without any electrical business). You can see here how the actual giraffe is separate from the light…

Then, we had sconces!!!

We based the height and width of the sconces off of the giant frame we bought to put in between them. The frame will come slightly above and slightly below the length of the giraffes. Each giraffe extends slightly beyond the width of the dresser.

We also have a new fancy light switch in the room.

The big switch is for the ceiling fixture, then one little switch is for the sconces and one is for an outlet in the room.

Sconces on!

Trying to get a head on shot in this room is nearly impossible, especially with all of the closet pieces still hanging around. Hopefully they will be gone tomorrow since we finally got our replacement piece!

Thankfully, the sconce shades match almost perfectly with the ceiling fixture. The whole vibe in the room is totally different now.

We love them.

We’re finally wrapping things up in the nursery, which is good considering I’m due on Tuesday. The bookcase we ordered arrived and has been assembled. We have a shade on the window that is just waiting for some chevron curtains. The final closet piece arrived and will hopefully be assembled tomorrow. We have a frame for our ABC art print that we just need to design. The only thing I’m unsure of at this point is if I want to hang anything over the crib. After I decide that, this room will be  d-o-n-e 🙂

ps- the winner of the Cutting Edge Stencil giveaway has been announced! Check the post to see if it was you!

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10 Responses to “Giraffe Sconces”

  1. Ainhoa says:

    The sconces are lovely! Perfect for a nursery!

  2. They are adorable! True Jonathan Adler staples.

  3. Those are sooo cute! I can’t wait to see the nursery when you’re all done! 🙂

  4. Cynthia says:

    Consider me a fan of the sconces!

    I can’t wait to see the finished room! Are you still planning on painting the bookshelf green?

    • Rebecca says:

      Yep! I actually did, but the paint didn’t stick to the back so it needs a coat of primer now! Since the primer isn’t no-VOC, it’s a task for Mike this weekend.

  5. Tawny says:

    Love how this room is coming together.

    I can’t wait to find out which color the curtains will be!!!

  6. Carolyn says:

    Found your blog googling the Lacey glider. Sad to know that they don’t carry it anymore. Your giraffe sconces look great! Excited to see the finished nursery!

  7. So cute! I love how they look on the walls!

  8. Patty says:

    If you don’t mind my asking, what dimensions are the wall where the sconces are? I love them, but I don’t know if they’ll work in my apartment!

  9. Dina @ Honey + Fitz says:

    Yay! Aren’t they so fun? I love how they look and I love that I inspired you! Mine are currently sitting in a box as I figure out if I’ll use them in the new house or in the new baby’s room or what!

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