Nursery Closet Reveal


Posted by Rebecca, June 7th, 2012

I last left you with our nursery closet looking like this, after being stenciled and installing an organization system

Well, now that you know that we had a baby boy, I can share the closet all stocked with his adorable things.

We still have plenty of room to fill up with things. The top left side of the closet is sparse because that was home to his newborn sized clothes, which he is currently wearing. Since our upstairs AC broke last week, we’ve been living out of the pack & play downstairs, so all of his current clothes are in there.

I doubted the green paint for a while, but now that I see it with the bedding and the chevron curtains, I love it. The bedding is DwellStudio for Target’s Space collection, which I got on clearance and is sadly no longer available.

Right now, Easton has tons of 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothes, so those sections are stocked.

All of his pajamas, blankets and basics are in his dresser. I admit that those 2 baskets in the center tower of the closet system are currently empty. We have plenty of room to grow, so I didn’t bother decorating much there. Though we did have to include one staple that we picked up…

We’ve been debating whether or not to hang this bat somewhere or let it live on a shelf. For now, it’s just living on a shelf. Who knows where it will end up in the future. We’re still working on some wall art and I’ve been trying to devote some time to going outside to spray paint, so that we can finally hang the alphabet art I slaved over before Easton was born. Though when given the option to sleep, shower or spray paint, sleep has been winning. Where are my priorities? 馃檪

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10 Responses to “Nursery Closet Reveal”

  1. Looks fabulous! What a lucky guy!

  2. Lyndsey says:

    I have no babies, some day I will, but I LOVE that closet, it is so cute.

  3. That closet is so fun! It turned out really well and the lime green goes great with all the deeper blues in the room!

  4. […] se han enfrentado a ello y creo que son caros, sobretodo vestirolos por dentro… Pues bien, Rebeca ha montado el de su bebe de una manera bastante economica y m谩s o menos a su […]

  5. Emily M says:

    I hope you see comments on older posts like this….I love that closet system and am wondering where you got it – it’s perfect! I just had my first baby in February – a boy as well 馃檪 – and desperately need to work out something for storing his clothes. I had torn out the existing wire shelving in the closet in his room but never put anything else in cause I couldn’t find something I liked. I meant to at least buy a dresser but Ikea is just farther away than I seem to be able to manage to get to these days. Can you help a fellow mama out?!

  6. Peter Unger says:

    I have some specific questions about this project. I am looking to do the exact same thing. If u buy the complete set, it is cut to fit a 8 ft closet, however mine is 72 inches. The wood that connects from the wall to the middle part of the closet…did u just buy wood and cut it to fit? Or does Allen and Roth offer various sizes? If u bought the wood separate, what kind of wood did u buy? Did u cut it? How did you get the shades of white to match up? Also, this middle part, did u attach it to the studs or is it free standing? Thank u for ur time.

  7. I always was interested in this subject and stock still am, thanks for posting.
    solar collector recently collector

  8. Jamie says:

    You did a wonderful job! I really need to pay more attention to closet organization!

  9. nondi says:

    The content is awesome and the content are very useful

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