The Finishing Touches


Posted by Rebecca, July 17th, 2012

Now that we’ve used the nursery for a bit, I feel like I’m finally ready to wrap things up in there. For the longest time, I didn’t know if I wanted a rug and a mobile. I also had no clue what kind of arrangement to do for the gallery wall. I think I (mostly) figured it out!

First, the mobile. Back in January I posted about how I had no clue what kind of mobile to add or if I even wanted one. Well, once we finished the crib area with the paneled accent wall, the bedding and the chevron crib skirt I made, I decided that I didn’t want a mobile and liked the less is more look we had going on.

Well, fast forward a few months and Mr. Easton had other plans. He’s becoming so much more aware of his surroundings and I’m happy to report that he loves his room. He stares at his curtains, ABC art and giraffe sconces… like honestly, he does. He even sometimes enjoys his room so much that he giggles at inanimate objects. There’s something around his closet area that captivates him and always gets a giggle. I like to think it’s those polka dots I slaved over while 9 months pregnant. He’s a future designer…

As we begin to think about putting him in his crib in the upcoming months (sniffle sniffle, tear), we know he would absolutely LOVE a mobile. Wanting to stick with something minimal, I decided to go with one of the ones I found originally, fromย Little Dreamers Inc on Etsy.

I wanted to make a mobile on my own, but I saw that the Little Dreamers Etsy shop sold DIY mobile kits for $25. I figured that would save me some time cutting out all of those stars and I would pay probably $10-$15 in materials, so I set out to order it. When I told my mom, she told me that Easton would like his mobile before he’s 12. She offered to pay for it fully assembled so that I didn’t have to put it together. Since I’m still feeding Easton every 2 hours and the mobile has around 165 stars, I agreed to accept the offer. It will be here in 2-4 weeks ๐Ÿ™‚

Up next is the gallery wall I’ve planned to do over the bookcase.

During one of Easton’s naps this weekend, I was actually able to make some progress! I settled on a nice little arrangement…

I also had a chance to spray paint the darker frames white, when the can of spray paint I was using decided to clog beyond repair. I’m also working on selecting photos and art to fill these things (though that little onesie is staying, after it gets ironed), so the details will be coming. Hopefully this week…as long as the spray paint gods are nice to me for round 2.

Finally, the rug. I knew eventually we’d want an area rug for the room, but I knew it wasn’t an urgent item so I held off. Now that Easton plays more, I really want to be able to put him down in there. I was originally eyeing up the Capel rug from Pottery Barn Kidsย in either light blue with navy or navy with white…

We have a gift card and I thought the 4’x6′ size would work. But when I measured it out in the room, it is way too small. We need a 5’x8′ rug, which means way more money. I’m back to the drawing board on this one, anyone have any suggestions? I’m actually not all that picky about looks on this one and I’d take any solid blue or green rug in various shades. Heck, I’d take a cool patterned rug as well! The important thing to me is that it’s soft for little knees and that it’s safe and not full of chemicals. All of the 5’x8′ cotton/wool rugs I’ve found seem to be $500. Recommendations welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

ps- If I owe any of you an email, I apologize for the wait. Never mind the feeding a baby every 2 hours thing, but my laptop charger kicked the bucket so my computer time is limited. How does one’s charger die? One word… Macky. He chews wires. Twice in one month apparently. He needs to get a job.

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12 Responses to “The Finishing Touches”

  1. ashley says:

    Rebecca… have you ever thought of getting the ikea flat woven rug in white that they have for like 39 or 49 bucks and dying it? I have seen tutorials that involve a whole lot a rit dye and a bath tub! Thought I would pass on the cheap idea!!!

    • Rebecca says:

      Wow that’s crazy! Great idea but I want something a little thicker for his little knees to play on. Maybe for another room though hmmm

  2. That’s a pretty sweet mobile!!

  3. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    I love the mobile you picked, and the gallery wall!

    Have you checked RugsUSA or Overstock for a rug? They both have good prices on quality rugs.

  4. Robin says:

    My nephew has this one in his room. His parents are quite concerned w chemicals so I’d imagine it is safe, though I have no idea.

  5. That mobile looks so cute and awesome! I love it!

  6. AmyK says:

    I would definitely go to overstock. You can get a nice navy 5×8 wool rug for $150-200. You can get cotton ones for $80-100 (by then you will need a rug pad for sure which increases the price). Not sure if you have ever had a wool rug before but they require A LOT of vacuuming initially as they tend to shed quite a bit. Just be prepared for that. I had a pottery barn rug in my older son’s nursery which she’d just as much as the wool rug I got from Costco for my living room. But by the time the baby is really crawling around on the rug, the shedding shouldn’t be as bad.

  7. sarah says:

    Oh oh oh. There’s a Crate & Barrel / Land of Nod outlet near me, and that is where I found the rug for Jackson’s room AND my living room.

    It looks like there’s one in Cranbury, NJ. It might be worth a phone call!

  8. Leila says:


    Where did you get the bathroom shelves? Are they sturdy ?

  9. LOVE your son’s nursery! I have the same small bookshelf, and you have totally inspired me to paint it white. I was debating it, but I’m totally sold! Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one who somehow ended up with two copeis of Goodnight Moon! ๐Ÿ™‚

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