Archive for July, 2012

Front Door Dreaming


Posted by Rebecca, July 6th, 2012

About a year ago, I pinned this picture on Pinterest…

(from Tar Paper Crane via Pinterest)

It got me thinking about painting our front door, which is currently the same brown color as our shutters (this is an old picture from the fall).

Then I saw this picture on Pinterest and I loved the blue door with the blue hydrangeas.

Β (from House of Turquoise via Pinterest)

So I started thinking that color could work because we also have blue hydrangeas. I love them, so why not make them stand out a little more? Btw, look at how big they are now after just 2 years!

After teaching Mike what robin’s egg blue was, I did a little Pinterest search to find some more inspiration. Why not share, eh? Since I don’t have much time for projects, I spend a lot more time brainstorming and googling for ideas these days πŸ™‚

#1. Love this blue gray color, so classy

(from Pink Wallpaper via Pinterest)

#2. We’ve even talked about putting some numbers on the door itself, sort of like this (I also love the door itself but buying a new door is not in the plans…)

(from House of Turquoise via Pinterest)

#3. This looks nothing like our house, but fabulous none the less

(from Katy ElliotΒ via Pinterest)

#4. Nice and clean, and looking more like our door

(from Desire to Inspire via Pinterest)

I’ve been itching to spruce up our front porch (replace the lights, get a bench, do some cleaning). Why not add another goal to the list? We just started giving Easton bottles, so maybe once this heat wave ends I can spend some quality time out there. I mean, it’s been almost a year since I pulled a weed myself πŸ™‚

One Month


Posted by Rebecca, July 2nd, 2012

Last week (yeah, we’re a little behind here), Easton turned one month old. Quite like how I took monthly pictures while pregnant, we decided to take monthly pictures of the bub bub. We knew we wanted him to wear something simple and classic, so we chose a white short-sleeved onesie. We also knew that we needed something for scale, so we placed him in a laundry basket. Originally, I wanted to do this series in black and white like my maternity shots, but Easton has these amazing blue eyes that I wanted to pop. So we went with a blue blanket and color pictures πŸ™‚

Of course, I couldn’t choose just one picture of him from his mini-photo shoot to share.

Mike did a little monthly recap over at our family blog, Macky & Co, so I’ll spare you some of his monthly deets*. Mike’s also been posting daily pictures of Easton, since I can barely keep up with blogging here. Though I’ve threatened to take over Macky & Co when he falls behind or I have to send him pictures from my phone. You know, since I take like 20 pictures of Easton per day. No, I’m not obsessed…

In a nutshell, the first month has been nothing short of amazing. Everyone tells you to enjoy it and that it goes so fast, but that you’ll be too sleep deprived and stressed to realize it until it’s over. I think we’ve been soaking it all up with well, minimal stress. We’re very lucky in that we’re both home, so we can switch baby duty if we’re feeling tired or overwhelmed. But really, with the exception of some fussy and cluster feeding days here and there, having a baby has been….fun. And I’m not lying.

Easton started smiling this month and it was as great as everyone says. At one point, I was changing him in a tired daze at 5am, talking to him as usual but looking as his feet. I looked up at him after wrestling his feet back into his pajamas and he was staring at me with the world’s biggest smile on his face. It could have turned even the toughest person to mush.

Each week gets easier as he adjusts to life on the outside. We no longer have to burrito wrap him and walk around the house going pretending we’re a white noise machine to get him to sleep. He somehow figured out his days and nights and has been an excellent sleeper from day one, but is going for longer and longer stretches at night. He’s happy just hanging out with us while we eat dinner, whether sitting in his rock n’ play or on one of our laps.

We took these pictures last week (on his 1 month birthday) and he’s already grown so so much. He had a major growth spurt in the past 2 days or so, which I am certain of because he ate every 2 hours around the clock for a day. In the end, his 0-3 month Old Navy chevron pajamas no longer fit as of tonight. He grew a belly and some rolls around his wrists. This guy is growing like a weed.

Mike and I spend most of our days hanging out with him and we don’t get much done until he’s asleep for the night. We just enjoy being with him so much that our house is pretty filthy, we rarely cook real meals (tonight it was mac and cheese for the win) and we watch way too much HGTV and that American gypsy show. With both of us home, you’d think we’d be a little more productive than that, though Mike has been better than me and whipped up that window seat in the office πŸ˜‰

But I don’t think our lack of productivity is something we’ll regret 5, 10 or 20 years from now. We’ll remember all of the time we were able to spend as the 3 of us, camped out on the couch all day.

Happy one month on the outside, bub bub!

*Yeah, I ended up sharing monthly deets anyway. I told you I’m obsessed πŸ™‚

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