Baby’s First Ikea Trip


Posted by Rebecca, August 1st, 2012

This weekend we inherited my brother’s old king mattress. We’ve wanted a king sized bed since we moved in, so much so that when we got married, we registered for a king sized bedding set. That was over 3 years ago and it’s been sitting in it’s packaging, in our linen closet. When Easton arrived, our want for a king sized bed turned into a need (okay, in a first world problems sort of way)…

Every morning, my one ass cheek has been clinging for life off the side of the bed. So when I heard that my brother was looking to get rid of a king and that my other brother, who just bought a condo, wanted our queen, it was perfect. Plus, my brother’s friend was willing to pick up the king, bring it to our house and take away the queen. Talk about an ideal scenario 🙂

This all happened so quickly that we are bed frameless. I’m currently typing this from a mattress and boxspring sitting on my bedroom floor. We held off on a king because a) we didn’t want to spend money on a mattress and b) we hoped to build a bed because c) we didn’t want to spend money on a bed. We wanted to build the farmhouse bed from Pottery Barn

(via Pottery Barn)

But once we had a mattress (on the floor), I thought maybe we could find an expensive bed frame at Ikea. So we packed up the kid and headed out!

The verdict was… he loved Ikea.

I think this is only the second or third picture that I have of us together. I really need to work on that.

We were pretty disappointed in the bed selection. I couldn’t snap any pictures because, as you see above, someone decided he didn’t want to sit in his car seat anymore so we ended up carrying him around. The only thing we liked was this Bekkestua headboard.

(via Ikea)

It seemed overpriced though, the Ikea website lists $300 for a king headboard alone, though I swear it was $400 something in store. Combined with the frame it it ran over $600! Still not much compared to other stores, but still more than we wanted to spend. Needless to say, we left Ikea empty handed for perhaps the first time ever.

We think we’re going to make Easton like the Travelocity gnome and just take pictures of him in front of random scenes.

Since we had to travel to Philly, by the time we were leaving it was time for the bub’s next meal. We may have spent just as much time in the parking lot as we did in the store.

Yes, his bottle matches his outfit 🙂

After striking out in the bed search, here is what I’m thinking. The bedding we have is aqua/white…

But we also have an orange/white duvet cover, so I want to keep things as neutral as possible. I want to be able to change bedding easily if need be (and because I have an accent pillow addiction).

After seeing the upholstered headbard at Ikea, I think maybe I’ll make my own for now. In my dreams I would still like a canopy bed someday, but I know our to-do list is endless and it’s just not a priority now. After browsing Pinterest, I found this headboard/wall color that I’m liking…

(from Bedding Experts via Pinterest)

I’d probably do the headboard a lighter gray like the Ikea one and keep the walls a darker gray/brown/greige color. I’ve always loved patterned headboards, but I think keeping things neutral is the smartest idea for us. I’m also not sure about the tufting and I prefer a straight, more modern headboard. So yeah, I pretty much just like the lighter headboard on a darker wall. As for the frame, we’ll probably just expand the current full sized metal frame in our guest room and rock a bed skirt.

For now, I shall sleep on the floor… sprawled out 🙂

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7 Responses to “Baby’s First Ikea Trip”

  1. Ashley says:

    He’s getting so big! Good Luck with the bed search… I hate shopping for new furniture with my husband 😉

  2. I work right around the corner from that massive Ikea. Easton looks like he had a lot of fun! That fabric headboard looks very doable. Good luck!

  3. He’s so cute! Congrats on surviving an Ikea trip with a baby! Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with for the headboard!

  4. Kim says:

    We had a king size bed for many years, and my husband built a frame for it so that we had cubby holes on both sides of the bed for storage. Because I knew we’d be using a bedskirt we didn’t worry about the frame looking pretty; we just needed it to function how we wanted 🙂 When we moved overseas we decided to go down to a queen size (a decision I’ve regretted ever since) so hubby made a new bed frame, but along the same lines. In case you’d be interested in doing something like this, here’s the link that shows how the last one went together:

    When we move into our own place (in the process of building) I plan to make a headboard for it. But where we live now the bed goes under a window so it wasn’t practical.

  5. Kim S. says:

    We just upgraded to a king size bed and we bought the upolstered headboard from Ikea. I thought about making something but in the end didn’t. I was getting tired of my pillows falling off the bed. (Our bed is on the wall the baseboard heat.) Anyway, we love it.

  6. Amy says:

    That second headboard (the ivory button tufted one) is on for about $335.99 in king size. I just looked at it online a couple weeks ago in queen size for my my Mom’s guest room. So when I saw your pinterest pic I checked and they do have it in King size.

    They also have a few other styles/colors to browse.

    Then you can just pick up a $60 metal frame from Sears and call it a day.

  7. Cortnie says:

    I had to comment on the cute blog u have! My son is an Easton also. He is named after my husbands hockey stick. He is ten and I love the name. Everytime I here another Easton I smile. I have to say I am still trying to make it to my first Ikea trip. I here it is an all day thing. I live in northern Utah and it is a few hours travel fo us, so I may send my hubby to Cabelas and I will do the Ikea thing. I love both beds and if u can’t do the canopy for now I am sure u will love the other it looks so put together and nice. Best of luck!

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