Blinded By The Light
Posted by Michael, March 28th, 2012
Sing it, you know you want to! I am. Blinddddeeddd by the liiigggghhtt. Bli-bli-bllllliiinndddddeedd.

We had a problem when we installed our diffuser-less light fixture the other day, just after we finished painting the nursery. The bulb was insanely bright, like sun-spots bright. I think Rebecca realized this when she caught me staring into the bulb for a solid 15 seconds. Her line of thinking was probably, “well if Mike stares into this thing for 15 seconds at a time, then baby will do it for 30 seconds.” Not good.
I proposed putting the light on a dimmer. At least with a dimmer, we’d be able to control the brightness. But then we both realized that when this baby is crying at 4am, neither one of us will think, “oh hey, this light is on a dimmer, let me decrease the brightness before I pick up this crying baby.” Yes, out went the dimmer solution.
The bulb dips just where the shade ends, so even if we wanted to make/buy/steal a diffuser, we wouldn’t be able to use one. The bulb would literally sit on the diffuser and eventually we would have a nice fire in our house. Great.
We begin thinking, I joked about putting in a black light far too often and then we thought, “restaurants often use silver tipped bulbs!” Oh, if you were paying close enough attention, you saw our solution already in Rebecca’s last post. But enough about Rebecca. We headed off to our local Lowes. No silver tipped bulbs. We then headed to the Home Depot across the street. After having the lady search for a solid ten minutes, no silver tipped bulbs either. We gave up and decided the internet wins again.
We got home, pulled up Amazon and a couple seconds later we bought a 100W half chrome bulb.
Now these things aren’t cheap at almost $7 a pop, but they get the job done. They fill the room with plenty of light and allow you to look at the bulb if your eyes should cross it’s path. Boring, if you’re me, but safe if you’re a baby. Baby 1, Mike 0.
And here is the bulb in all it’s glory. The chrome actually looks a bit stylish.