A Little Logical Thinking


Posted by Rebecca, March 10th, 2011

Since the weather this weekend is supposed to be this…

I’m hoping to finally get outside to play with this…

And even some of this…


I bought this spray paint a while ago, but because of cold, rain and being busy, I haven’t had a chance to use it. I’m hoping to spray some office accessories this weekend, as long as the weather cooperates. I would tell you what I’m spraying, but I am slightly nervous to take my beautifully traditional things and make them funky with glossy green spray paint. It is either going to be a brilliant idea or a complete disaster.

Good thing I have this blog to publicly humiliate myself if this doesn’t work out, but I have a feeling I’ll be just fine 🙂

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3 Responses to “A Little Logical Thinking”

  1. I like that green…but I also like public humiliation….sounds like a winner either way! 🙂

  2. I pretty much love anything green, hopefully the weather cooperates so we can see what you’re planning soon!

  3. I really like the color green. I am new to your blog and I am so glad that I found it!!

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