Form and Function


Posted by Rebecca, April 18th, 2011

Tonight I handed in a midterm that took me most of last week to complete. We had to work in just two 48 hour blocks of time, so I spent way too many hours sitting at a desk last week. Thankfully, I now have a pretty home office to enjoy πŸ™‚

I am so thankful we decided to get extra long desks, for when I have to do this.

You see that? A laptop, an open book, an open giant binder, room to write, a closed book and loads of open space!

I also realized that I never shared when I bought this West Elm bathroom cup to use as my mostly Sharpie, pencil holder.

The office isn’t finished yet, we still have lots of little details and storage to add. But it works wonderfully, and I can attest from hours and hours on my arse that the chairs are super comfy. We will probably add finishing touches to this room gradually, since we are currently hooked on this monster.

This was my view from sitting at my desk. Two weekends ago, we managed to prime the lower half of the walls. We decided to paint the lower half before adding the picture frame part of the molding, so that we can just easily roll paint on without worrying about nooks and crannies right now.Β Looking at this for hours had me itching to get some semi-gloss paint up there! Maybe my carpal tunnel will heal and we can get at least the downstairs done soon!

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5 Responses to “Form and Function”

  1. Yay for desk space!!! And I LOVE your cup! Too cute. πŸ™‚

    PS- I know what you mean about school. I’m heading into my second year of law school finals in about a week. πŸ™ All done after May 12th!!! πŸ™‚ Glad your midterm is over! Go Rebecca! recently posted..House Tour Linky Party – Dining Rooms – HOUSEography

  2. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    Large desks with plenty of work space are great πŸ™‚ Love that West Elm cup!

  3. I am so jealous of this giant desk!

  4. Did you get carpal tunnel from painting?! (I’ve never heard of that before.)

    Hope you did well on your midterm!
    karen @ our slo house recently posted..our house in the bay area

    • Rebecca says:

      Nope from my midterm! Though I don’t think painting would help it, considering I’m usually the brusher while Mike is the roller πŸ™‚

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