Oh Deer


Posted by Rebecca, August 30th, 2011

Yesterday, Mike spotted this in our backyard…

I love our random deer sightings. It’s amazing how well they camouflage themselves and I’m sure they’re out there more than we realize. Mike and I grew up in a more congested area (we’re from the same town) and deer sightings were rare and always exciting. I love having furry, speckled butt neighbors 🙂

I love them so much that when my mother in law was getting rid of these bookends, I decided to take them.

They belonged to Mike’s grandmother and are apparently decades old. But you know what? The oldies are coming back. I figured with a little white, high gloss spray paint these would look like they came straight out of West Elm.

But first, I couldn’t resist doing this.

Yes, I tried to recreate the live deer scene. However, the bookend version was way smaller than I anticipated. But maybe Deer can be our version of the Travelocity gnome and just pop up in random places?

If my neighbors didn’t already know about this blog (yes, secret’s out… hey guys!), then I would have felt weird. But I obviously have no shame and put inanimate objects in my weeds for entertainment purposes.

After I was done gnoming, it was time to get down to business.

I often spray paint in the garage, but all of our outdoor furniture (including a table, 6 chairs, a bench, 2 umbrellas and a fire pit) are still taking hurricane shelter in there. So I decided to use this old Pottery Barn box and spray them in the grass.

I used the short and quick spray method. I confess that I am normally rather impatient and just hold the trigger down, 3 inches away from the object (12 is the recommended) and generally succeed. I didn’t want to mess these up, so I was more cautious.

They look a little more worn when spray painted (they have some cracks) but it doesn’t bother me. Here are the two of them after a first coat.

I went back outside a half hour or so later for a second coat. Even after that, this strange mark keeps popping back up. Chemical reaction or something?

I eventually lost my patience and just sprayed the hell out of it, but it kept reappearing after a minute. Weird.

I have no pictures of my second coat because after the first one, I noticed that this happened…

That is my camera. With a light dusting of spray paint. Ugh. Thankfully, the lens was spared and it just looks stupid. The wind was blowing lightly and I didn’t realize that my camera was laying in the grass, in the line of fire. Therefore, it stayed inside for the rest of the night.

However, my bookends will not be staying inside tonight. I went to pick up the Pottery Barn box to move it inside and the bookends fell over. While soaked. Then I had to use my hands to stand them back up, which not only got me messy but required touch up work. I’m hoping the tacky surface that was left isn’t noticeable, considering I just sprayed right over it. So I ended up leaving the entire box outside for the night. Don’t worry, it’s not supposed to rain. I’m actually more concered with bugs getting stuck to them…

The one time I try to spray paint properly. The one time! ::shakes fist in air:: Hopefully I’ll have true after pictures later this week…


ps- The Office wedding episode was just on and that dance scene gets me every time! Couldn’t help but stop to watch 🙂

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5 Responses to “Oh Deer”

  1. Cait @ Hernando House says:

    Poor camera! 🙁

    So strange about that little spot popping through coat after coat.

    And I know what you mean. I’m an impatient spray painter, too!

  2. 1. Those bookends are awesome. Obviously.
    2. I had that weird seepage thing happen to me when I painted an old spice rack. I think its a wood stain thing issue? I had to prime the area a bunch. Then paint. Did you prime? I too have a love hate relationship with spray paint. I keep going back…
    3. I think its worth starting over on. Get some wood putty and fill in all those cracks. Give em a good deer butt sanding, and then prime all over. You’ll have to fanciest bookends in town.
    4. I commend you for blogging whilst watching the Office wedding episode. I closed my computer because I cry every. single. time.
    5. I also support “gnoming” sub deer. Ok. Bye.

    • Rebecca says:

      I think you’re right about the stain and no I didn’t prime. I thought about it, since they are older and I didn’t really know what I was working with, but I took the lazy route. I’m going to see how they look once they dry and I may have to sand down the areas where they fell over and get something stronger to cover that mark. If I’m going to get sand paper, you’re right, might as well fill in the cracks 🙂

  3. I love the bookends and I love them even more in white!

  4. OMG. I am IN LOVE with your deer, and your selection of books…Jay Z Decoded was AWESOME! 😉 and I love Bob Dylan…we go to the Dylan fest up at a local winery every single year. Wow, I kind of sound creepy, now that I read this back, but, it comes from a pure place hahaa

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