Enter to Win: Black & Decker RapidRoller


Posted by Rebecca, December 7th, 2011


The winner of the RapidRoller is Tammie, lucky commenter #77 who said:

“Wow……the rapid roller is amazing!!! I have a new house and painting is in order since the walls are egg shell white…ewww…..this will make my life easier!!!”

Congratulations Tammie and enjoy your new RapidRoller! 🙂

As promised, this week we will be giving a Black & Decker RapidRoller away to one lucky reader!

The holidays are a great time of year to either freshen up some paint around your house or give one as a gift to your favorite home improvement addict. In case our review didn’t do the roller justice, here is a video courtesy of Black & Decker that shows you everything the roller is capable of…

YouTube Preview Image


So for the deets…

  • One reader will win a Black & Decker RapidRoller (a $35 value)
  • To enter, simply visit Black & Decker on Facebook (facebook.com/blackanddecker) and browse their holiday gift guide (listed on the left side of the page)
  • Come back here and leave a comment letting me know what gift from the guide you’d like to receive and why

And the rules…

  • Only one entry per email address is allowed
  • A winner will be chosen using Random.org
  • This giveaway closes on Sunday, December 11th at midnight. Any entries made after that time will not be counted.
  • A winner will be announced on Monday, December 12th so check back 🙂

While you’re on the Black & Decker Facebook page, don’t forget to “Like” them and play their Holiday Match & Win game for more chances to win free stuff! Good luck!

ps- We received a RapidRoller ourselves in exchange for hosting this giveaway. And happy first giveaway to us 🙂

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387 Responses to “Enter to Win: Black & Decker RapidRoller”

  1. Elysha Arnold says:

    I would love the 20v lithium drill. I used to have one but my ex husband sold it. This would come in handy for all kinds of tasks around the house.

  2. marilyn says:

    might buy the repositional rechargeable screwdriver.. thanks

  3. I would like the 20v lithium drill, cuz my 12v poops out too soon.

  4. Garry Upton says:

    Got some painting to do and the BD rapid roller would sure help out

  5. Alana Gallo says:

    i would get the 20V MAX Lithium Drill/Driver for my hubby his drill just broke and we are in the middle of doing some fixing up in the house trying to make it more energy efficient so we can keep the heating bill down this winter. He is going to get laid off in two weeks right before xmas so we will need to keep the bills low.

  6. I would love the all in one laser level. My son-in-law does a lot of building and remodeling around the farm and this would really help him.

  7. chrissy rogers says:

    Hi there. We would love to get a new drill/driver because we live on a horse farm and we are always having to build or fix something. The one we have now bogs down and takes foreveer to do the job.

  8. DELIA says:

    I would love to have the Flex- Cordless mini Canister vac…. It is so cute and small and will definetly helpwith the cleaning for my new born that will coming at the beginning of next week….

  9. angela says:

    I would love the steam mop. My kitchen floor would love it.

  10. Samantha H says:

    I am already a fan of Black and Decker on Facebook 🙂 I would love to win the steam mop! I have a two year old so washing to floors with a mop and bucket and cleaners is a pain because I’m worried about my son putting his hands on the and getting chemicals on them and putting them in his mouth. So, I’m always mopping and trying to rinse it over and over. And because I have a 2 year old who loves making messes I have to mop constantly. It would make it much easier and safer 🙂 Go black and decker!

  11. Heather Clark says:

    I would love to have the Pivoting RapidRoller. This past year my fiance and I bought our very first home. We have had to remodel the whole thing as of all the hidden things we did not see when we purchased to home, and we still have so much painting left to do. The Pivoting RapidRoller would make our lives so much easier in getting this task done!

  12. Susanne McCLain says:

    That Rapid Roller would come in handy. My husband is due back in March from Deployment and he has all these plans on painting the inside of the house (every single room, lol) and doing other updates, once he’s home. This would help cut down the time needed to get the painting done.

  13. Kim Leaders says:

    I knwo we would get great use out of the 18 v rechargeable drill driver because we just bought a house and it needs a lil work done on it nad that would come ini handy w/ that.

  14. Gayle Lewis says:

    I would definitely select the 20V MAX Lithium Drill/Driver. A battery holding a charge for up to 18 months sounds just like what I need. Having a light available for “those times” and a well balanced tool in hand is just what I want to replace my 9.6v Black & Decker (that I dearly love) but is ready to retire.
    This 60+ grandma loves to be able to do my own repair, tighten, loosen or drilling and I’m ready to put this favorite of mine to the test.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. Jenny Stewart says:

    Would love to receive the Pivoting Rapid Roller! My husband is just starting up his own painting business and I would love to be able to give this to him! 🙂

  16. Tina Aguirre says:

    Buying a house and moving the end of next month. We could so use the All-In-One Laser Level. Actually we could use everything but the screw driver, already have that one. LOL But I think the leveler would be more important first. Could use it for SO many things.

  17. KANIYA KNIGHT says:

    SS18C – Next Generation Smart Select 18V Drill because my husband deserves it soo bad, he went to Afghanistan and had to be sent back because our home was hit by a tornado nowhe helping take care of my mom that has cancer and my three siblings plus me and our twins. we have nothing for Christmas I just want to give this to him he’s been wanting it so bad

  18. Misty Lay says:

    Husband is the huge tool person in our house, I’m not too big on em, but I have to admit this Rapid Roller got me REALLY excited!

    Out of everything I saw on their site I would have to say this is the one I want the most. We just bought a house with crazy high ceilings and 2 story open staircases (plural) and I have to paint the entire 2500 sq ft by myself (hubby is NOT a good painter, lol).

    This is DEFINITELY on my wishlist now! Thank you for info!

    Thank you also for this giveaway, and good luck everyone!

  19. Darnell Davis says:

    I would like the 20v lithium drill since the one drill we had died this summer. We had to borrow a neighbor’s drill to finsih a project. As of yet we haven’t replaced it.

  20. julie cooley says:


  21. Teresa F says:

    I would like the Flex – Cordless Mini Canister Vac to use for my truck. Thank you

  22. William says:

    This looks to be a very nice roller. I would like to have one 🙂

  23. Brenda Combs says:

    I would love to win the drill/ driver.Need to build a porch and a few other things.

  24. Natalie says:

    I would love the Ratcheting Readywrench 🙂 I looks easy to use

  25. Sheline says:

    I would love the Steam Mop with 3 kids 2 dogs and 2 cats I could really make good use of it

  26. Kam A says:

    Out of all of the gifts in the gift guide I would love the Rapid Roller. Our walls still just have primer on them except for one room. After painting the one room it took so long that I was discouraged from painting anymore. This Rapid Roller would be amazing to have and it seems like it would make painting so much faster and easier!

  27. Amy Gonzalez says:

    So far we have the Black and Decker Drill,lawn trimmer,blower,jig saw,stud finder,palm sander,chain saw,dust buster,workmates,battery charger, and 2 charger battery station. I would love the new rapid roller paint stick. That will be on my christmas list.

  28. Lisa Winter says:

    The All in One laser level would make a fantastic gift for husband. We just moved into a new place and could really use this to help make it a home!

  29. Jonathan says:

    My wife calls it a weed eater, but I’ve got my sights set on that GRASSHOG Trimmer.

  30. Denis Kelley says:

    I could use to win a Blacker&Decker Stream Mop with Smart Select Technology because this kitchen floor needs some serious cleaning — and with the Holidays looming….. U get the picture! Thank You!!

  31. SHELLY HANSEN says:

    wow that would help me to paint I would like the RapidRoller! But thats not list on your gift list! How about a Hedgehog hedge trimmer, my bushes are a mess that would solve the problem!

  32. Christine says:

    The Black & Decker Rapid Roller looks amazing. Living in an older house this would be so slick to use. I would love to use such a wonderful tool. I think this is the first tool that is exactly made for a woman!

  33. Joanne Elford says:

    I would go for the Steam Mop. Not because I like cleaning, but at least with this mop I will know that my time wasn’t wasted. At least not entirely!

  34. Sisifo says:

    I WANT the drill. I NEED the Steam Mop. Decisions, decisions…

  35. Ellen Tucker says:

    I would love the paint roller.My whole house needs painting.

  36. Pamela Giles says:

    The product I would like out of the black and decker gift guide is the Corded Cyclonic Hand Vac with Retriever Turbo Brush Because it works great on pet hair and also would work great for vacuuming down my steps which my current vac does not do very well!

  37. P. Wong-Mobley says:

    Any of their products is nice as they are a well known Brand name for generations. Tools tend to be a little expensive when you need them and don’t have them when you’re on a limited income.

  38. Nina says:

    That Cordless Mini Cansiter Vac looks awesome. With kids, we pretty much plan on vacuuming every day, but that mini vac would be nice so we don’t have to whip out the Dyson 3-4 times a day.

  39. gail richards says:

    i would love this rapid roller have so much decorating to do and i would love that black and decker steam cleaner they look fab x

  40. Cheryl Messer says:

    I’d love to win the Thermal Leak detector so I can find all the drafts in my old house and stop them up! 🙂

  41. Lucille Zimmer says:

    This would be a great hand tis year for painting our older home for the holidays

  42. brittney wong says:

    I would love to win the Flex Cordless Mini Vac. It looks like the perfect appliance for cleaning up small messes all over my house!

  43. john garcia says:

    I would like the 20 volt maxliithium dell/driver

  44. Jen Mullin says:

    the min vac. great to clean my filthy car!

  45. ben huang says:

    I’d love the Steam Mop with Smart Sense technology. The steam seems like just what my house needs.

  46. Tina says:

    I’m torn between needing the drill and wanting the steam mop. I guess the drill would be more helpful. Tough decisions!!!

  47. Shirley Smith says:

    I would love to have the Black and Decker steam mop. And why? I love to keep my floors as clean as possible. And it’s a lot of work by hand, so this steam mop would be perfect for cleaning and sanitizing my floors.

  48. Brandy quinlisk says:

    Ratcheting Readywrench for sure!! I’ve been trying to win it for my honey on the match and win game daily! He swears by Black & Decker and i would love for him to have it 🙂

  49. brian manis says:

    I would like the Rapid Roller for Christmas, The wife wants the kitchen and back room repainted this spring and this tool would certainly make it a lot easier of a project

  50. Sarah Walker says:

    I would love to win the Steam Mop!

  51. Joe Skidmore says:

    I would want the 20v lithium drill as I only have a corded drill and it would make things easier when doing outdoor repairs or DIY jobs.

  52. Jackie Moisan says:

    The drill/driver – can always use one of those around the property!

  53. Rick Steen says:

    The 20 volt maxliithium dell/driver would be very nice to have

  54. jennifer says:

    I would like anything Santa sends me

  55. Olivia B says:

    I would love to recieve the ‘Flex cordless mini canister vac’ because it is so practical for little jobs round the house, cleaning crumbs from the kitchen floor, dust in the bathroom and doing the stairs without breaking my back and worrying about losing my balance or the hoover falling down the stairs. It would also be perfect for my partner to use on the car when he cleans it.. This little vacuum is so much more practical for these small jobs than a big household vacuum.


  56. Kelly Grant says:

    The screw driver

  57. Penny says:

    Hedgehog trimmer-love the name and could definitely use it instead of the hand clippers. Those take forever.

  58. Connie Herbort Green says:

    I do property maintenance and do a lot of painting and wow would that pivoting paint roller come in handy. Sure would save me a lot of time

  59. Lori Obermark says:

    I would want the HV9010P – Corded Cyclonic Hand Vac with Retriever Turbo Brush because it would be perfect for cleaning up after 3 boys and a dog (as well as taking care of the interior of the new vehicle.

  60. Susan LHeureux says:

    Wow, love the Black & Decker RapidRoller. Looks so easy to use and don’t have to ask for help or hire a professional painter. When you have arthritis this would make like easy and be able to do it my self. I just tried painting my hallway for xmas and can’t do it to hard. GREAT idea for a rapid roller and looks so easy. If I win I will let you know. The drill now that is another awesome prize to win..which is better hmmm…both are awesome. thanks for the contest and good luck to all

  61. Barb Edwards says:

    It certainly would make yard work a lot easier for myself if I owned a
    NHT518 – 18V 22 IN. Cordless Dual-Action Hedge Trimmer

  62. Edwina D. says:

    There is one item that I would really like to get for myself, HV9010P – Corded Cyclonic Hand Vac with Retriever Turbo Brush. I could use it for little jobs that make big messes! Its small enough to retrieve to tend to awful messes that seem to appear regularly… unfortunately for me, it is no longer in stock on the website.

  63. JoMarie Dunham says:

    I could really use this!

  64. Von Taylor says:

    I think I would like the All in one laser level because it is so annoying holding up a long level with one hand and trying put a picture or shelves with the other hand.

  65. Jim Neblock says:

    The Black and Decker gift I would most like to recieve with out a doubt would be the Black & Decker Pivoting RapidRoller. My family and I moved into our home in December 2010, and every wall and ceiling of the entire home needs to be painted. My son who is 6 years old is my right hand man when it comes to fixing things around the house but I feel even with his help and the help of my three daughters, this painting task may just be too much. This roller with the EZ fill system and pivoting head will help save my carpets and allow time for my wife and I to finally get our house in order!!

  66. Sara Bruce says:

    I would like either the high roller, or some sort of drill, I get tired of just having to use a basic phillips to do anything. It would be nice to get everything done with a zip of a gun! lol
    Its what we call it in our house!
    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  67. Tana A. says:

    I would choose the paint roller for sure. I love the mess free environment.

  68. Helen says:

    I would be grateful for any Black and Decker prize at all

  69. Tom Tootell says:

    Yes Hi, I Think the 20 volt Drill Driver is the best All Around Tool, It has many Household Uses, And For on the Road Construction !

  70. michelle says:

    Would love to win the mini vac or screwdriver..would make an awesome gift for my boyfriend 🙂

  71. sharon miller says:

    I would love the thermal loss detector! My house is so cold,regardless of the many products we have used to insulate and prepare for cold weather!

  72. Darice Gamache says:

    The rachet because my husband can never find one.

  73. I would L-O-V-E to win the Steam Mop with SmartSelect Technology. I have an 8 month old babygirl who is trying to walk, but between the walker and crawling everywhere, she leaves a small trail of “eww…gross” behind her. lol She gets into my pets water bowl and when I feed her she spits her babyfood all over my wood laminate floors. I chase after her constantly with a roll of paper towels in hand. I would love to use this mop to make my floors more sanitary for her. God Bless you for the opportunity to win! Thanks again!


  74. Jodie Roberge says:

    I would choose the mini cordless vac..That would really be handy for small jobs.

  75. Steve Lammers says:

    wow i would so love this for painting my garage such a pain with a brush and hand roller

  76. Dale says:

    Pivoting Rapid Roller, looks like a great gift and I can see some painting in my future.

  77. robin miller says:

    Would love to win the 20 volt screwdriver my husband just broke

  78. Susan says:

    I’d love to have the High Performance Leafhog Blower/Vac/Mulcher. I’ve wanted a blower for a long long time, and never had one. Thanks.

  79. donna harris says:

    I would like the Steam mop with Smart & Select Technology. I’m disabled and this would make my job cleaning the floors a lot easier plus make the floors shine and clean. With pets(little dog, cat) they do make a mess. Also the Cord Cyclonic Hand Vac with Retriever Turbo Brush would be nice with the pet hair. All of the Black & Decker gifts from the guide are really nice. Thanks for awesome giveaway.

  80. Donna Carroll says:

    I would love to recieve a Flex. It would be great for cleaning the mininvan out, as well as all areas of the house, especially in behind the dryer and washer. The rapidroller would also be great because I am getting ready to repaint the entire house. I hear sleighbells in the distance, I hope Santa read this comment so he knows exactly what I would like . lol. Merry Christmas.

  81. Kelly says:

    20 volt Drill Drive

  82. Dale Ewachow says:

    Ratcheting ReadyWrench RRW100 would be great to have in every vehicle and in the RV!

  83. Laura says:

    I would LOVE the Pivoting RapidRoller®
    Paint Roller. We moved into our first house the day before hurricane Irene and haven’t had much luck as homeowners yet. Along with termites, broken windows, and poison ivy, the previous owner left us a LOT of pink walls! This rapid roller would help make at least one of our home improvement jobs easier! 🙂

  84. John Kennedy says:

    I’d like any thing

  85. doug clay says:

    the racheting ready wrench looks great.do they come in sets of standard and metric?i could use both !! please santa

  86. christy ehrlich says:

    The drill would be much needed in this house.

  87. Pat Battles says:

    Actually, I’d love the RapidRoller, but failing that I could sure use the Black & Decker LH4500 Blower/Vac. I have a LOT of leaves, and hand-raking is really hurting my hip!

  88. David Shives says:

    I would like to win the Balck & Decker RapidRoller because I will be redecorating and this will save me time and money

  89. Jennifer SV says:

    The drill would be most useful for us:)

  90. Annette Broxton says:

    I would love the high performance Leafhog blower! We live under tons of trees and raking with this bad arm is not an option.Thank you for the opportunity!!

  91. Stephen Kinnear says:

    I would choose the Flex Cordless Mini Canister Vac – it would help with all the little bits we get on the floor between vacuuming.

  92. Andrea says:

    I would think one of the drill/drivers would be a great gift. I could really use one!

  93. Sherry k says:

    Thermal Leak Detector looks like a lot of fun to use, but also helpful

  94. Russell says:

    Any and all, just starting my collection

  95. Julie Curtis says:

    I would love to win the Flex cordless mini canister vacuum,it would be great to vacuum the steps ,small messes and the car.

  96. Tonya Lowe says:

    The Black and Decker gift I would most like to recieve with out a doubt would be the Black & Decker Pivoting RapidRoller. My family and I moved into our home in 5 years ago,My husnband left for a year tour the following year. ANd it left me with a house . every wall and ceiling of the entire home needs to be painted. Not to menchin are basement need to be done. We have four kids. Three boys and in Feb of this year we had a little girl. My husband was not home for her brith. He was gone another year tour to Iraq. With her we really need to get are basement doen so the kids have can have their bedrooms. Right now are daugther slept with us in are room and the three boys share a room This roller with the EZ fill system and pivoting head will help save are family so we can finally get our house in order!!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!!!

  97. Teresa C says:

    I would like the steam mop

  98. Kelly Skibbe says:

    I would love any gift I could give to my husband for Christmas. He is a huge Black and Decker DIY type of guy. I think he would like the laser level the best. It would make for a great Ho-Ho-Ho gift!

  99. chantal s says:

    would love to get the racheting ready wrench would make an awesome gift for the hubby.

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