Besta Husband Ever


Posted by Rebecca, January 5th, 2012

Today is Mike’s birthday, yaaaaay!

But he’s not the best husband just for being born. Today the Philly Ikea got 17 units of the Besta cabinet bases that we tried to buy on Monday in stock. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this here, but Mike left his full-time gig at Merrill Lynch just before Christmas to dedicate his life toΒ SongMeanings. Since he wanted to put the cabinets together ASAP so we can get the new office rolling, he decided to go pick them up this morning. When I told him he should call just to make sure they had them his response was “well I haven’t moved my car in a few days and I should probably take it for a ride”. Ahh to work form home… especially when the wind chill makes it feel like 2 degrees out like it literally was yesterday morning…

Mike told me that Ikea was completely empty. Gloriously empty. He even considered stopping for some 99 cent breakfast, which strangely for all of our Ikea trips, we have never been in the cafeteria. Occasionally we’ll grab a drink or a frozen yogurt on the way out, but we’ve never been in the full size place. Instead he got his cabinets and cruised through to the register with his 2 bases. Hallelujah! We considered them to be a joint birthday gift since mine was last week and we decided not to exchange in order to save for the many larger purchases we have coming up (babies are mucho dinero).

Not only did the Besta Husband Ever to go Ikea alone on his birthday to buy cabinets, but he assembled them. Not only did he assemble them, but he made a video of the assembly then emailed me at work proclaiming that he had a video for my blog πŸ™‚

Please note the Italy shirt and the fist pumping music in honor of the season premiere of Jersey Shore tonight! Of course he also included some Kanye and Jay-Z terminology. This may be the only house blog out there where you also receive an education in the latest rap music. The music he used is by, which replaced his initial choice of Jay-Z and Kanye. When I played it, it was full of bad words. I had to remind Mike that my mostly female population of readers do not necessarily appreciate the eff word…. Thankfully, even on his birthday, he changed it up. Keeping it PG-13 around here πŸ™‚

Anyway, seeing the cabinet frames together made us even more excited to get to work on this project!

The before shot, which is hard to see because of the lack of window treatments and dark paint…

The in-progress with some cabinets…

We played around with some configurations to see how we’re going to work this all out. By we, I mean Mike because I was still at work πŸ™‚ He also added some paper blinds in an attempt to block out some of the daylight for the pictures. They failed.

When I got home, Mowie decided to give the new bench a trial run, despite the fact that it needs 8 million additions to be a bench…

Where Mowie is sitting will probably be the final placement of the cabinets. At least as of today. We’re going to have to tweak our inital plan and therefore, ditch the single cabinet we bought at the last minute on Monday. We plan to build small bookcases on each side (though at one point today we considered doing a center bookcase, or no bookcase). We also have to build a base for the cabinets and raise them up a few inches to add baseboard. Then we’ll need to add some filler pieces, paint everything, add crown molding, put the doors on, make a cushion… oh and do something with those window sills until it looks somewhat like this…

(from Plans Now via Pinterest)

This weekend should give us enough time to do all of that, right? πŸ™‚ Probably not, but a girl can dream.

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7 Responses to “Besta Husband Ever”

  1. This is gonna be a fun project! Oh and I work about 5 minutes away from that Ikea! Next time you guys are down there, give me a shout!

  2. Lindz says:

    That video is hilarious! Love D strolling around being all nosy and whatnot when mike leaves the room… Adorable! And mike, the signage was a nice touch… Especially the “brb” haha! Great job guys!

  3. We love the 99 cent breakfast at IKEA (I’ll admit we sometimes go just to eat). I can’t wait to see the finished product – I love the plan so far!

  4. They look good! I can’t wait to watch this project progress! And the video was great, so cool that your hubby helps with the blog πŸ™‚

  5. Hi! I just found your blog today and I’m pretty excited about it because we’re smack in the middle of building our home. Love what you’ve done with yours!
    Happy birthday to your hubby!

  6. Thursday was part of the work week, right? πŸ˜‰

  7. Carla says:

    Hi, I just came across your blog because I was looking to do something similar with Besta units. I’ve read however that these aren’t sturdy enough to be sat on. Did you reinforce them at all (and if so, how?!) and if not, do you think they are sturdy enough for seating? Would love to hear your feedback. Thanks!

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